Well-known member
Clutching at straws used to be my mode of navigation. I once invented a formula for establishing distance off by the estimated legth of fishing boats encountered.Having a steel boat and unable to take reliable RDF bearings I made a number of Shetland / Norway crossings using DR in the 80's. Norway was easy to find, though the safe gaps between the islands could be elusive. Shetland was a smaller target but I was always close enough to either the north or south mouths to Lerwick harbour.
My first approach to the Norwegian coast in the later 70's on a GRP boat was in poor visibility and used a combination of a running fix plotting RDF bearings every six minutes until the echosounder lost the bottom. This gave me a contour that was the edge of a glacial trench out of the gap between the islands I was trying to find and a rough position. Then used the RDF bearing as a course towards the lighthouse at the side of the channel.
I mentioned this during my YM exam only be told that I could not do that as it was not accurate enough. My question "what else should I have done?" was met by silence.
Navigation used to be both an art and a science.