What a weekend !!!


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24 Feb 2003
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Go to boat this weekend, sun looking good, sat wake up go for a peramble in the dinghy while mam starts getting the sails out ready for mounting. shout of dismay from her, she has found the bow roller asembly dangling from the spare halyard. a massive alloy casting broken in two. [--word removed--], go to dickies and price a new one, £115 plus the vat plus 3 weeks wait!!! urggh, go and see my mate roy at partingtons, he points me in the direction of a welder, what a superb man he turns out to be, i unbolted the remnants, took them to him and 2 hours later, bobs your uncle and we are back in busines, he asked for £20, i gave him £30 i was that chuffed.
about 4.30 am feeling a bit strange, the doc at the beginning of the week, as part of my six month check up had told me to stop taking atenolol blood pressure tablets because there is new evidence to say that they can lead to type 2 diabetes, anyway starting to feel really strange now, palpitations etc, hmmm. decide to go to the pharmacy and get some atenolol, made it just in time and got me a couple, could hardly make it back across the car park, feeling v light headed. took one and sat in the car, started to feel better, another hour and i was fine, the pharmacist ( a pole) said it is very dangerous to stop taking these suddenly!! hmmm, doctor tomorrow to give him a piece of my mind!!
anyway later on start engine to warm the domestic water and put it in gear, bang, engine stops, the chap next to me on the pile has left a joining line in the water and it has got me, wonderful!
sod it leave it till the morning to sort.
mam goes under what with me feeling crook, the line is wound up good style but she manages to cut it off, however, there is a bit of 10mm halyard poking out of the cutless bearing and we cant shift it. hmm, go to boatyard and arrange liftout for this week and will have to order a new cutlass bearing (its a rubber top hat on a bene) and ge down there to change it.
best part of £250 notes down the swanny, as i said at the top, what a weekend, wish i'd stayed at home!!


Well-known member
19 Nov 2003
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stu, I was on Propranolol, up to 4 a day for stress. The advice I got, and can vouch for is 4-3-2-1.
If you are increasing you take :
1 on 1st day
2 on 2nd day
3 on 3rd day
4 on 4th day.

to come off them, go in reverse.
4 on day 1
then 3 for 3 days
then 2 for 2 more days
then 1.

this worked with 15mg doses, ask your doc.

I tried to keep off them as much as poss, and have now been clear for nearly 5 years.

The boating will get better, its early yet.....
I broke the cupboard door in the heads this afternoon.....


Well-known member
19 Nov 2003
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Well, the pair of you both need to go on an attention deficit disorder course.
the DSC on my Profile is £1=$1.62.

The Pi(e) element is in the ICQ slot....... I like Pi(es)

Send me a tenner, and I will send you back $16.20. What a service.


7 Aug 2006
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But £1 = $2 so you owe me a drink..... ya boo sucks /forums/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Sorry, promise to grow up ....... tomorrow


Active member
24 Feb 2003
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went to see the doc this p.m. big sorry, but as i was only on 25mg per day as in one per day he didnt think it would be necessary to wean me off em. any way concensus was, ticker ok, take em for another month to get me settled again and then take a look at trying a different type.