Weather - Bathroom analogy


Well-known member
31 Jan 2012
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Hi all,

So, my son is now reaching an age where I would like him to get a better understanding of sailing before we go on our next cruise. He is still fairly young (8yo). I remember, a long time ago, when I took my compétent crew course, that the trainer used a bathroom analogy to explain weather forecasts (cold fronts, warm fronts etc). I am pretty sure I have got it somewhere, but we just moved places, so everything must be somewhere in a box… ?
Anyway, before I try to apply my mighty brain to the task and reproduce the explanation and analogy (which won’t be as good, for sure), just wondering if any of you may have that somewhere on your hard drive or a link to a web ressource. That would save some time.
The concept was you’re running a hot bath in a tub, and when you enter the bathroom you feel humidity etc, then when entering the water you feel… you get my drift. Not 100% accurate but that made for a good intro to the topic and something I believe kids can easily rely to.
Thanks in advance if any good soul can help there. Otherwise I will go the drawing board and may share the results of my work (if good enough).