Water trap


New member
25 Mar 2003
Essex, Crouch.
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This question might be too specific to my boat for anyone to answer, or it might be a complete no brainer for anyone with more than a seasons experience!

Regarding the fuel system, I dont seem to have a water trap for my Volvo AD31 / Sealine S240. Should that bother me?

I have 1 filter on the engine and 1 filter (a Cummings part, is this normal??) on the bulkhead, but with no see-through cup or drain. There is a bolt on the bottom of it but it is very tightly done up and it doesn't look like a 'service point' at all, and the paint seal has never been broken.


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Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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I used to have an S240 and from memory the filter was a Fleetguard but really that's of no consequence. Sounds like you are well overdue for a filter replacement. It's not just the water but the filters do tend to disintegrate after a few years. For reasons unknown Sealine and most others don't fit useful glass bowls so you will have, like most of us, just a cartridge with a tap underneath.
Because it's been there some years be prepared for a damn aweful job getting it off. Suggest a week before, squirting it with WD40 and let it soak in then use a good filter clamp for removing. Replace the engine one at the same time.
If you have problems getting a replacement Cummings part then go to the Fleetguard website and they do equivalents for all major manufacturers.
best of luck

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Deleted User YDKXO

Agree with you. Why builders cant spend a few quid to fit decent Racor type glass bowl filters is beyond me. My current boat has pathetic little Separ units and they are mounted so low that you cant get any kind of container under the drain taps so every time you drain the filter the fuel has to go into the bilges which probably accounts for the fact that the drain taps were seized solid because nobody opened them

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New member
1 Nov 2001
West Sussex, Boat in Chichester
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I check mine before every trip (actually No1 Moose does, I can't even squeeze in to get to them!!) Just remember to turn the Fuel Cocks on afterwards, I forgot once and an engine failed due to Fuel Starvation just as I was going into the lock/forums/images/icons/mad.gif

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El Alce