If it goes cheep then its a lame duck. Major repairs ALWAYS cost more than buying good second hand!
And I speak as one who bought a 30 foot catamaran for £70! I bought a 24 footer for £150. We ended up driving a JCB through it to get it onto the skip!
They and every one I have seen since were well past their sink by date, and needed a lot more time and money than they were worth just to get them seaworthy again.
The boat I have now cost me the same as the ebay one and is in tip top condition. But JD is too small, albeit apparantly built for ocean going.
Back to the ebay ad - why don't people check their spelling before posting stuff?
The boatyards of Britain are, sadly, littered with moss covered boats like this one. £400 sounds a bit more than most boatyards will ask for an abandoned boat, a few years back the boatyard we stay at had several that were going for up to £250 (ply and grp 18-22 footers) but I doubt that they were in as good nick. A day spent on the phone then driving around the local boatyards and asking if they've any "projects" will get you a cheap boat. Not free, unless they're really knackered, as most have unpaid bills owing from the ex-owner, although if you promise to pay in advance for a mooring with them they may be open to negotiation.
I'm looking for a boat over in this neck of the world. We think that we have a good chance at getting a bargain in Japan, but I just thought I'd throw out some bait just in case there was anything over in your neck of the kelp.
OK lets get real about this one: I can not see what class she is, but boats that size can usually be had for around £2.5k without an engine, and in reasonable nick. if she is a Dockrell it would be worth a bit more.
First, she will probably sell for around £6 - 700. Yes a days work will get the GRP looking nice. Chances are most of the timber (floors rubbing strake, cockpit seats, hatch and trim etc) will be discoloured, if not outright rotten, so allow £250 for good quality new. The rigging may or may not be sound. Allow £250. Sails???? well lets be generous and assume they are serviceable as the man says.
Now the interior. Leave the electronics out of it, as they are not essential, and may be OK (and thats a big assumption!). Strip everything out. OK new woodwork for the furniture say £200. New cooker £250, wiring £250, berth cushions £500.
Add storage charges for several months while you are doing all this, plus travelling costs, plus several gallons of paints sealers, half a lorry load of fastenings of various types: could easily tot up to another £500.
Now lets have a look at those electronics that have been tdrying out in the airing cupboard..., and really that main could do with replacing. Then theres no roller reefing jib. That lot could easily run up another £750 even buying second hand...
Add a large amount of hard work (yes I know you are doing it for fun - but wouldnt you really rather be sailing?)
...... see what I mean?
Anyway SWMBO caught me looking at it on Ebay aput her foot down and says I am NOT getting another one (Not until I have finished the big one in the boatyard, and the two little ones in the back garden... and decorated the living room...hmmm!!)
Ah, SWMBOs gone back to her lair in the kitchen: now, lets see, where was the phone number for viewing?
By the way, I picked my 331 up on Tuesday (thick fog all the way from Calshot Spit to Hurst, forcast said moderate visibitity), motored all the way back but am well chuffed.
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