Volvo do a manual for the 2030 so I suppose they'll do one for the 2040. The one for the 2030 isn't great - doesn't go much further than adjusting the tappets and changing the thermostat and water impeller but if that's what you want I'm sure if they do one for the 2030 there will be oen for yours.
You would have/should have got with the engine the owners manual or instruction book as its called, part no. 7738914
Over and above this there are workshop manuals for said engine, the main engine manaul part no. 7735446 and there is a wiring diagram workshop manual part no. 7740536
And there are workshop manuals for the MS2 gearbox/120 saildrive part no. 7752950
The later/current MS10 gearbox/MS25S saildrive part no. 7739192