Are you sure MMS have stopped trading. Last time I phoned for some something I was informed that they were now trading under Nauticalia. Anyway they quoted me a price for the part.
I believe they're ressurected as Nauticalia. Surely oil filters and consumables can come from the local motor factors, probably more convienient as well as a damn sight cheaper!
Been there done that ! We tried to do it and you can't cross reference Volvo filters in an auto factors. Even had people in the machanics trade try and still no joy.
We have an elderly MD11C - the "Volvo" fuel filter was a poor fit and since that early experience 6 years ago We've avoided Volvo spares whenever possible. Not easy! The oil & fuel filters have Fram "equivalents" at a fraction of the cost of the "Volvo"! Fuel - Fram P4186 £4; Oil - Fram PH2874 £4.
If you speak to Volvo they are refreshingly candid - it's how we make our money, from the spares! Another example is "(ex)changing" alternators. Volvo - c.£400, Valeo - c.£200!
Go to
enter the volvo part number and you will get the Fleetguard equivalent, then you can go to your local truck parts supplier and get a filter at a fraction of the volvo price.
Also try - get one set from them, they usually supply FRAM or PUROLATOR; make a note of the part no then get them from your car accessory shop - much cheaper!
I changed a 35 amp Lucas alternator recently for 45 quid (boat) and a 60 amp - can't remember make - for my car for 65 quid. Both at Halfords - the Lucas depot 12 miles away would probably have charged even less. And don't give us the "special marine ..." guff. If they're that special, what went wrong?
I buy my oil and fuel filters by the dozen, 2.50 and 1.50 each respectively, from the bus and truck factors (conveniently located next door to the local chandlers!).
Either there's a niche in the market for sensible engines and/or there's serious anti-competitive trading going on. Since Perkins gave up their sub-100 hp marine engine business to Volvo, the latter scenario appears to want looking at.
PS I give away half the filters I buy, and in so doing, compound my schadenfreude towards poor Volvo owners all the more!