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    • B
      Binnacle replied to the thread Prinny X95 ugly or not.
      Oh Seasnake, you are, not for the first time, well off target. I have an interest in a large sawmill which makes oak floorboards from...
    • B
      Binnacle replied to the thread Prinny X95 ugly or not.
      Even squash, badminton, basketball etc shoes can come with non-marking black soles made from polybutadiene, and we specify similar for...
    • B
      Binnacle reacted to webcraft's post in the thread Friend overdue with Like Like.
      . Aberdeen CG SAR called me back. They are checking ports and harbours from Whitehaven to Broughty Ferry. Apparently the most common...
    • B
      Binnacle replied to the thread Dortmund.
      It's not a guessing game. How about a direct link please.
    • B
      It's not exactly a difficult websearch. prism 28 yacht thrust at DuckDuckGo
    • B
      Binnacle replied to the thread Dortmund.
      Dates please . I can only see the model boat show.
    • B
      Binnacle replied to the thread Form and Function.
      I defy you to approve of Starck's yacht A. To avoid doubt, wikipedia even has to write "starboard" under a pic of the, yes, right hand...
    • B
      Binnacle replied to the thread Where am i.
      Chart plotter broken again, or spilled the vino tinto on the paper chart ? Perhaps worth remembering the old Admiralty Instructions...
    • B
      Binnacle replied to the thread Wayfarer for a fat bloke.
      Go on, explain your little playground joke that you obviously want to keep to yourself.
    • B
      Binnacle replied to the thread Wayfarer for a fat bloke.
      There is little point in thinking that you are not, at some stage, going to capsize. It's part of sailing dinghies. Recovery from a...
    • B
      Plumbs, you are, not for the first time, jumping to misleading conclusions that you have chosen to fit your own limited scientific...
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