I have a 2020 and 120S saildrive too, on a Moody. I've got the manuals here at home. Looks to me that the difference is probably based on the instrument panel. A has rev counter and push-button start. B is the same except you turn a key for pre-heat and to start. C is like B but has 3 extra dials for Temp, pressure and amps. I've flicked thro the manual and don't see A,B,C mentioned anywhere else, so maybe the engines are identical.
Prob not! I have a 2020A and 120 s drive on a 1995 Moody S31. Why do you need to know?
The diffs I know of are:
The grounding system is very different, on the B and C the Sdrive is electrically isolated from the engine, on the A the Sdrive is electrically connected to the engine, but the engine itself is not earthed - it uses a 2 pole electrical system with no ground return through the engine.
The oil in the Sdrive changed at some point from normal diesel engine oil to fully synthetic.
I believe the instrumentation / starting panel was also different.
there are alot of diffs between A and B, but no so many between B and C.
Thanks folks.
It seems the impellers are different too. I thought I had a B but it is a C. Bigger water pump on C it seems.
I took Scotties advise and scived off work to check. It was hard to leave, sun shining clear blue sky- typical winter stuff!!-- sigh. Still, I had to get back to let Keyparts know the engine type.
Now you've got me worried AlexL!! I've got a 1997/8 S31 with a 2020 and I don't know if it's an A, B or C, the documentation at home doesn't mention it. Would it be on the plate on the engine itself? The worrying bit is your comment about the saildrive oil changing from regular to synthetic. The label on the top of the saildrive specifies ordinary diesel engine oil, and that's what I've just put in, but I remember months ago someone saying (on here maybe) that Volvo themselves get muddled as to which oil should be used. Do you know any more, please?
The manual led me to believe I had a B but the plate on the engine says it is a C. I used diesel oil in S drive based on the manual but am now also worried.
Cant remember seeing anything on the saildrive label. Sheesh, looks like I have to sneak away from the desk again.......