VAT Status post Brexit


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Moving on slightly, assuming the gloomy forecasts are correct, what proof of location will be needed? My boat is on a mooring, some are on anchor and others in marinas but, having a contract doesn't mean the boat is there, Many owners aren't of course on board anyway. Maybe those in yards will have the best proof. Knowing just how pedantic authorities can be about paperwork, what kind of proof will we need, to satisfy (say) France, a year ahead that the boat was on anchor off (say) Spain on Brexit day? I can't see self-certification being acceptable.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2004
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Moving on slightly, assuming the gloomy forecasts are correct, what proof of location will be needed? My boat is on a mooring, some are on anchor and others in marinas but, having a contract doesn't mean the boat is there, Many owners aren't of course on board anyway. Maybe those in yards will have the best proof. Knowing just how pedantic authorities can be about paperwork, what kind of proof will we need, to satisfy (say) France, a year ahead that the boat was on anchor off (say) Spain on Brexit day? I can't see self-certification being acceptable.

Maybe get a witness statement from the Marina / yard manager to state the boat is actually there and get it signed by the manager and signature verified at the notary. That would be hard for them to refute.
Don't think I'll be bothering.


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25 Jan 2004
Bricks & mortar: Italy. Boat: Aegean
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Moving on slightly, assuming the gloomy forecasts are correct, what proof of location will be needed?

This isn't new territory. The requirement, and the evidence to support it, is very much like that for a boat "deemed VAT-paid by reason of age" This, in the case of UK boats, required evidence that the vessel was in the EU on 31.12.1992. HMRC's suggested evidence included receipts for moorings, harbour dues or dry dock fees. (Yes, I know...)

My last boat had such paperwork. Specifically, a letter from a marina stating that she was present on the date in question, and even including a photocopy of the marina layout with her berth marked. However, the boat was simply referred to by name, which is clearly insufficient. If I were to seek such evidence now, I'd want it to include her registered number (or vessel type and hull number).


1 Mar 2007
Jersey Channel Islands
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just follow the link and then work your way through to find the correct code.

Difficult to find so follow this link. and then follow the boat .

Thank you,
I have now had back my stamped T2L form.
Next job will be getting the boat from Jersey to St Malo in France (hoping these current storms subside before 29th)
It tie up in st Malo marina and get a Marina recipt showing the boat was there
Prefix 88 looks wrong to me - it says spacecraft on the list. Boat is 89 prefix.

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