Urgent Help required -- Cap Verde repairs


Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Message from Stingo
I am 200 miles NW of Cap Verde and the chainplate on my forestay has sheared. Haven't managed to get the genoa down all the way because the track is bent about halfway up. I've secured two halyards to the bow roller and put the emergency stay in place to stop the mast flopping about and am now motoring to Cap Verde. So much for my Atlantic crossing!

My pilot isn't encouraging about boat repair facilities in Cap Verde, but then again, my pilot is 10 years old. Please could you ask the forum if anyone has had recent experience there.

Please respond to this thread or PM me so I can put together a brief response as John's onboard Email link is VERY slow.

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Well-known member
24 Sep 2003
Le Roussillon (South of France)
There are two major ports on the Cape Verde Islands: Porto da Prahia on Sao Tiago (exposed to S & SW this time of year) and Porto Grande (Mindelo) on Sao Vicente (my recommendation). The harbour is sheltered from all winds, except NW - which are rare.
There are repair facilities.

<hr width=100% size=1>Experience is a good teacher, but she sends in terrific bills.


New member
6 Nov 2002
Canaries Islands
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When you will be in Mindelo, ask for the "boss" of the "Iate Clube": Jean Marie.

Jean Marie is a Frenchman but he speaks quite a good English, he is very helpful and he knows nearly everybody in Mindelo. He is also a sailor and he will fully understand your needs..

His E.mail is: jeanmariesand@cvtelecom.cv

Good Luck

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Stingo 00:45 this morning (Wed)

I can't tell you how much I appreciate forumites help. Thank you all. Once I am securely anchored and have been able to make a proper assessment of all the damage I will email you again.

Yesterday I thought I had secured the furling gear pretty well but it came loose during the night and has bashed a hole in my deck and on initial inspection, it looks as though the furling gear has also been bashed beyond repair. I still haven't been able to get the genoa down (it's almost completely shredded now) because I am not prepared to go up the mast (which is all it would take). I can't work out why, but the windex and masthead tri-colour are flopping about too - all the more reason not go up the mast.

Stingo's Law of boats: When one thing breaks, there will be ten things that need attention.

Without the sails up, Stingo rolls like a pig and so yesterday, while I was trying to secure things, I got seasick. You know the general practise when you puke is to do it downwind so that the puke doesn't fly all over the boat in the same way that you never piss into the wind. PHHHUUUUCK THAT!!! The furling gear was swinging about in 20knots of wind on the leeward side of Stingo and despite having a cycling crash helmet on, I knew it would still knock me out if it hit me while I was having a technicolour yawn, so for safety's sake, I decided to puke over the windward rail. Result: I already smelt like a sweaty coal miner but added to the stench by puking all over myself. I had puke on my pants, I had puke on my T-shirt and I had puke in my hair. Lovely! So I had a shower and now I smell like a poffta's picnic. Life aboard Stingo continues...

Thanks again to you all.


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Active member
23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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Re: Stingo 00:45 this morning (Wed)


would really appreciate info from Stingo on what happened (once he is safe in harbour). Is this a case of the well known slamming caused by the design of these boats?

Glad his morale is still good enough to laugh at himself. The idea of the cycling helmet is a good one.

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Re: Stingo 00:45 this morning (Wed)

Stingo safely back and anchored up. Got a call at 2100 although reception was crap seems there is a lot of damage to the boat though. Sure John will post a full account of his adventure.

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