Upcoming magazine articles - help required please


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Hi everyone. I need you input to some quarter-baked magazine articles I might possibly be writing .

Car doors: We all know the problem! You're rushing to get to the boat, or perhaps even to get back from the boat, and there's something wrong with the car door. Perhaps it's a bit stuck, or not big enough to get things in. Or out. If you've had a car door-related problem on the way to or from the boat, pls let me know.

Bags. Nothing to do with the wife, haha. No, I'm talking about holdalls, suitcases and the like. You fillem up to take things to the boat, and all sorts of problems ensue. Perhaps if you fly to the boat, the airline lost the bag? Or maybe someone dropped it in the water whilst carrying it thru the marina? And then... there's the problem of storing the things on board! If you've had a bag-related problem, email me asap.

New series: Momentary Glance Boat Reviews. We plan a new series of very very brief boat reviews, even more brief than the the really quick and very brief or superficial reviews than ever before. So, if you have an interesting boat that we could just perhaps take a picture of from the other end of the pontoon, call now.

Slightly Dangerous Things Happening On A Boat. Have you experienced anything dangerous on a boat? Of course you flippin haven't - otherwise you'd be dead! Or at least you'd have sold the boat and certainly wouldn't want to re-live the experience. So, for other people, perhaps you slipped on the foredeck at some point? Or almost jammed your hand in the companionway locker and said ooh hell that was close!! Maybe?

Boat magazine articles . Have you ever written some magazine articles and got a bit desperate for ideas? What did you do? Ask the loonies on a bulletin board? Did they get a bit uppity? Or did you tell the editor that perhaps it must be a rubbish idea and perhaps do summink else?



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10 Sep 2001
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1. Shut my leg in it - it was very complex and messy and required no booze what so ever.
2. Leave them in the car
3. Oh look it's over there, right, next.
4. Boat failed to power up totally until the inhibit switch was moved to 1.

Go left, YOUR OTHER left for pete's sake


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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1 No trouble with car doors. But the sun roof decided not to shut and it pissed down. Will that do??

2 Handle fell off bag.
2A. Fillet steak and sausages fell in marina.
3 Boat near us has a parrot.
4. Nearly sunk, but not quite in Ireland.
5. Never rit artical and dont intend to start now.

No one can force me to come here-----------
----- I'm a Volunteer!!!



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31 Oct 2001
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Could do you pointless article on repairing and running an outdated well known brand of engine. Blow by blow account, plenty of pointless spanner twiddlin' could sort some out of focus badly taken foto's if you really want. Enuff material there for a free supplement.

Wha'dya mean "I'm always playing with this engine" its the only way to get it to run!


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28 Dec 2001
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slightly dangerous... take partner on boat ask her to tie tender to boat,swear while chasing tender up creek... write this whilst she,s about ...............huh too late


Re: Upcoming magazine articles - help required ple

IYHO, what would be an article worth reading?

(no rum offered)


New member
9 Jul 2001
Thames - non tidal
Slightly dangerous, nearly managed to loose SWMBO overboard between boat and pontoon, classic case of miscommunication, who ever she is, SWMBO went to get off and I went a stern to line up better, left her dangling with hands on boat and feet on pontoon. Glass of wine required to aid recovery.

Not everything is black and white if you prove otherwise you’ll get run over on a zebra crossing


Well-known member
28 Nov 2002
Niton Radio
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er um....

Car doors - yes opened it whilst other car driving past, other car and my door stopped about 100 yards further on.....

No bag stories but yacht owner carried liferaft from coach roof down into cabin with lanyard still attached, stupidly I stopped him before he got into cabin with rapidly expanding/inflating liferaft, lost opportunity for funny incident I will never forgive myself for.

Momentary boat review : My boat is great.

Slightly Dangerous Things Happening On A Boat - started engine in gear last weekend, nearly mounted boat in front, thought no one from forum would find out as Col was not about, but now I've put it here, damn it.

......girls, girls, get back, please, one at a time......


Re:OOH Publish Me!

Car doors: last weekend on the way back from the boat the car door wouldn't close properly.. slammed it many times in vain until foot discovered in the way. Now preparing checklist lest and ear, finger or some other biological protruberance be trapped. Perhaps the checklist could be shared with other readers at a later date?

Bags: last weekend got to the boat and discovered that the bag had been left behind! On discussion it was considered unrealistic to go all the way back to the car park to retrieve it so we're now working on a checklist to prevent such a disaster from happening again. Perhaps the checklist could be shared with other readers in ANOTHER issue thereby spinning the whole checklist out over decades... or is that being too extreme?

MG Boat Reviews: Already well armed with loads and loads of snaps of different boats taken in action at sea over decades of holidays! No idea what type of boats but most feature the crews waving. Please let me know what colour of boat you'd like to review and I'll send it right off. We could work out some kind of checklist for this?

Slightly Dangerous?: You Bet! Last weekend nearly took the boat out with out alcohol on board. All despite having a detailed checklist. Turned out we were too p*&sed to read it! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

Boat Magazine Articles: Never short of ideas as I've got a checklist just for that sort of thing. As for the contributers to the bulletin board, what evidence do you have to support the theory that they are loonies?

nurse!.. NURSE!!


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Re:OOH Publish Me!

Daft stupid dangerous penny pinching and moronic things that OTHER boaters get up to, but not me at all, in any way ever ....

My wife reckons I spend to much time on here.