I have been looking to buy one of those systems consisting of curved slats and spacers which go underneath the mattress in our aft cabin, but was put off by the fierce prices which are being asked for what is a pretty simple system.
When out shopping in Ikea with my daughter, we came across the very thing. The Sultan Liared bed base comes in three widths - 70, 80 and 90cm. Two of the 70cm units fitted our double bunk perfectly. See <A target="_blank" HREF=*10142>here</A> for details.
The price? A massive £9.00 each, so we did the bunk for £18!
If you are looking for one of these systems, have a look in IKEA first.#
All the best
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When out shopping in Ikea with my daughter, we came across the very thing. The Sultan Liared bed base comes in three widths - 70, 80 and 90cm. Two of the 70cm units fitted our double bunk perfectly. See <A target="_blank" HREF=*10142>here</A> for details.
The price? A massive £9.00 each, so we did the bunk for £18!
If you are looking for one of these systems, have a look in IKEA first.#
All the best
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