Two Ladies plays at submarines


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31 Oct 2001
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Been pottering round Poole for the last 30 odd years, more than I care to remember anyway, had a grandfather in Parkstone. I know of the conditions in the swash well. Handled the boat thru them many many times and have always had more than enough confidence in the boat as its one of the best small'ish hulls I've come across.
The wave was at least 2 mtrs in hieght. I saw it coming, albeit a bit to late, and rather than risk capsize took it sqaure on the nose. Even with the boat shipping the amount of water that it did I still have complete confidence in the boat. Any lesser boat would have, as you said, been in dire danger of sinking.
The lessons learnt from saturday. A few, one to note is that pumps specified for a given hull seem, to me, to be the bear min. I like to have water pumped out of the boat as fast, if not faster, than in entered. My family/crew, did as they were told when they were told to do it, even the kids. My rule, more a law, of no lifejackets no boat is one I'm glad I set at the start of my kids boating life.
Even if we were in a bigger boat I still think we would have got wet. So I feel the action that I took to minimise the risks to boat/crew were the best I could achieve at the time. The rest of the journey "home" was uneventful. Speaking to other boaters that had been out that day none of them had siad the conditions were any different from those we encountered when we set out mid morning.

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10 Feb 2004
Poole Dorset
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Brendan, you are quite right that caution should be used when applying power to waves and the technique you describe is correct when beating in to the weather but when running with the sea if you suddenly find yourself on top of a crest, even with a big hole in front of you, once you are in that situation you must hold the power or you will submarine into the hole....I speak from having filled a RIB with water several times before grasping the fact that it does work!!

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