Time expired flares (December 2012). Any one want them? Gosport or A3 corridor


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29 Nov 2009
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They were the old metal tube type with a pull wire


My current hand-flares are metal tubes with a thingy to pull at the end. The visible part of that is string with a bead on it for grip, but if I remember rightly it's attached to a wire inside that pulls out on the end of the string.



Well-known member
23 Jul 2005
South London
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Sounds delicious Searush but I'm wondering how long it will be before one of the forum nannies comes along and delivers a sermon about the dangers of giving chicken bones to a cat :D


Well-known member
18 Aug 2002
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Sounds delicious Searush but I'm wondering how long it will be before one of the forum nannies comes along and delivers a sermon about the dangers of giving chicken bones to a cat :D

Oh no you should never give cats chicken bones . :)


Well-known member
18 Aug 2002
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'Ere we go! So when a cat kills a bird does it fillet it before eating it?

My mother used to give the cat fish offcuts, boiled up, complete with bones. We pikeys couldn't afford such fripperies as tinned cat food :nonchalance:

Fish off cuts ?? what luxury . The smell of boiling "lights"or is it "lites" ....... Animal lungs ..... On my grandmothers cooker still lingers in my memory some 50years on . YUK !!........... cat seemed to like the end product though.:)

Deleted member 36384

All you sailors should be making sail needles, fishhooks and marlin spikes out of bone not feeding the cat. When you have a spare moment one could even carve some scrimshaw. As for the pyros, they should be disposed off.


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4 Jan 2005
Me - Edinburgh; Boat - in the west
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Back to the original subject ...... I think the OP was actually being altruistic in his offering. The manufacturer stamps a date on his product and the gullible assume that the moment that date is passed the product is a throw away. Does this apply to tins of beans, bacon, liferafts, you name it? Obviously with some food stuffs it is obvious when consumption is unwise but I haven't seen a "blown" tin for some years. I and many others have let off out of date flares without any problem though in my case they had always been stored in a watertight container. I may have been less enthusiastic had they shown any signs of deterioration.
On my boat the liferaft (and its flares) are in-date; the lifejacket cylinders weigh correctly, the salt tabs are out-of-date but the lights are in-date; the EPIRB is in-date; the fire extinguishers are in the green and get a shaking every so often; the lights on the dan buoys have new batteries and worked at the start of the season; the DSC radio gets a test acknowledgement from the CG - don't bother with a "radio check"; and horror of horrors, the flares have 2013 stamped on them. Think I'll score that out and write 2015 and then everything will be fine.


29 Nov 2002
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I've given up spending money on pyrotechnics only to then give myself the problem of disposing of them three years later. No flares on my boat of any date. I have PLB's/EPIRB/DSC and I'm considering laser flares. I am thinking that carrying a couple of floating smokes might be a good idea. Otherwise I'm avoiding carrying explosives on board as being generally a bad idea.


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6 Apr 2005
Milton Keynes, Bucks, UK
Just a thought but is there a potential liability issue here? May not be on the basis the eventual taker is fully aware of what they are doing, but how will you as the supplier confirm they are (written statement, signed by the recipient, confirming they understand)? Given the litigious nature of peeps today if they used said items and one exploded and injured someone would they come after you. Likewise if the they did not go off and someone drowned would relatives try to do the same.

They may be perfectly ok but I wouldn't risk knowingly passing on out of date flares, just in such an unlikely case.

Champagne Murphy

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5 Jun 2011
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My memory tells me that the French CG take a dim view of out of date flares on board even if you have in date as well. I don't know for sure but I don't think out lot give a flying .... so if you aren't going out off our waters it's probably not a major worry


Well-known member
26 Feb 2013
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My memory tells me that the French CG take a dim view of out of date flares on board even if you have in date as well. I don't know for sure but I don't think out lot give a flying .... so if you aren't going out off our waters it's probably not a major worry

What view would the French take of the in-date white flare that nearly killed a yachtmaster instructor?

Dates dates dates. I always kept my flares in a waterproof container with a silica gel and a device told me the humidity level.

I used to buy new and keep old flares as backup.

Old flares 2000 exp date were tested recently (safely- to military precision) and performed as new including burn time.

Flares are dangerous and should be treated as such and looked after - hence sentence no. 2 - we are talking about old tech here. Flares are to be obsolete soon and yes that includes para flares (imo and scientific research)

If the OP had looked after his flares and I was nearby, I certainly would have accepted them rather than paying a chandler over £100 for 'new' flares.

I say good on him for making the offer.


Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Just a thought but is there a potential liability issue here? May not be on the basis the eventual taker is fully aware of what they are doing, but how will you as the supplier confirm they are (written statement, signed by the recipient, confirming they understand)? Given the litigious nature of peeps today if they used said items and one exploded and injured someone would they come after you. Likewise if the they did not go off and someone drowned would relatives try to do the same.

They may be perfectly ok but I wouldn't risk knowingly passing on out of date flares, just in such an unlikely case.

You forgot "your insurers might not pay up", but don't worry, someone will be along with that one soon.


Well-known member
23 Jul 2005
South London
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Just a thought but is there a potential liability issue here? May not be on the basis the eventual taker is fully aware of what they are doing, but how will you as the supplier confirm they are (written statement, signed by the recipient, confirming they understand)? Given the litigious nature of peeps today if they used said items and one exploded and injured someone would they come after you. Likewise if the they did not go off and someone drowned would relatives try to do the same.

They may be perfectly ok but I wouldn't risk knowingly passing on out of date flares, just in such an unlikely case.

Please tell me you're not serious.