Them and Us


17 Jan 2002
South East
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As a veteran of Scuttlebutt since at least 3 seasons , I find it very funny that the original gang led by the ex journalist ( Marian) are so bored with their inscetious little club that they still take the time to visit to to patronise us because they think we are all weekend Sailors who no nothing about sailing.... Well we believe in peaceful co-exitstance particularly where on this forum 80% of the postings are from individuals not Marian..Benelovent Dictator or what ???


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
Although this has been the impression in the past, there have been several posts here and more in the other place that have helped to lighten the atmosphere. I think that for the past few months we have returned to a situation of peaceful co-existence. Long may it continue.


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16 May 2001
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What's your problem? Has someone posted something you disagree with?

Almost without exception the regulars on BYM are also regulars here - occasionally they use different names (often due to historic problems registering on either site).

BYM and SB have very different styles, in the same way that R2R and SB have different styles - I enjoy posting on both, if you don't then that is up to you, but why criticise those who do?


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16 May 2001
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Re: What\'s BYM?

BoatsYachtsMarinas (BYM) is the other board that Badger is slagging off in his post - I won't post the URL for fear of offending Kim. It was an offshoot from the original SB, formed as a result of the unpleasantness that eventually lead to the suspension of these forums sometime ago.

It has a very distinctive style which is unlike this, or any other, board. Some of us enjoy that style, and so choose to post there as well as here. For some reason that offends Badger, but as far as I'm concerned that's his problem.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Let\'s have no posts at all, bedouin?

Bedouin, at least twice now someone has started a thread, but instead of actually arguing the case, and you have questioned their freedom to make the observation in the first place, and sought to stop any such mild criticism in future. You say that the observations of Bill Cooper's book were "bad form" and an "unprovoked attack". Now, badger has had a pop at the way BYM is run, but again you seem to want to forbid any criticsm.

As far as I know, here's how it is: unless a thread is censored by being pulled - it doesn't break the rules.

Posts aren't bound by the traditional niceties of the manners required when meeting people face to face. You can't regulate what happens or doesn't happen.

I think that it may inhibit new and outspoken posts if there are similar criticsms of anything that might cause a teensy bit of offence.

So, back to the subject. It is a bit dictatorish if marian owns the site, runs the site, moderates the site and initiates mosts posts, imho.

Mind you...maybe there are v few posts on bym cos the individuals are are concenred that making a contentious post will be seen as bad form? See? So, well done ybw for letting most things slide except for totally nasty, sexually explicit or commercially dodgy posts, imho. Badger's post was none of these, and deserved more thought from you as expert on both, perhaps?


17 Jan 2002
South East
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Re: Let\'s have no posts at all, bedouin?

Not only is no comment or criticism allowed but when people like Steve101 are banned from they make a big thing of welcoming him with open arms. (Not that he stayed long)


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16 May 2001
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Re: Let\'s have no posts at all, bedouin?

I admit I am rather sensitive about these matters. As a long term user of the internet (>12 years now) I have seen many occasions where on line communities such as this have self-destructed by crossing the line between disagreeing with someone's opinions, and attacking someone as an individual. Those who were regulars on this forum before it was suspended will know exactly what I mean, and CWBB has just been through a similar phase.

Old fashioned "netiquette" used to distinguish between discussing/criticising ideas and criticising people - a distinction which is very important face-to-face as well. I like the distinction as it tends to keep discussions civilised - and one of the great strengths of BYM is that it does not tend to get personal. In my experience Forums work best if they self-regulate their behaviour, relying on a moderator to censor posts or ban people is a sign that things have gone too far.

To return to the point - BYM is not dictatorial and is far less regulated than this board. Registration is not compulsory, it is not "moderated", no one has been suspended or banned, and I am not aware of any posts being censored. So any direct comparison between BYM and SB would show Kim to be more dictatorial than Marian (NOT a criticism, I agree with the actions he has taken).

The regulars on BYM were regulars on SB long before BYM existed - and most remain regular on both. I am not aware of there being an "Us and Them" - I did not take Badger's post to be a genuine attempt to open a debate about the styles of two different boards - did you?


I kinda miss Marian and her fawning lackies. They added an amusing dimension to this board, as long as you didn't take them too seriously (and how could you? most of their postings were absurd in the extreme).


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16 May 2001
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There are many boating forums on the web. All of them geared to serve the style and requirements of the users of that particular forum.

On this forum there is a balance between the fun on the Motor boat forum, the assistance given and asked for on all the forums and the opinions expressed. Censoring of posts is carried out to maintain the business interests and the socal responsabilities of the site owners. I consider this is done to a fairly acceptable level. It is however effectively a branch of a company marketing a range of publications and will always reflect the image that those publications strive to achieve.

The other form mentioned in the postings has different objectives. There is a lot more broader issues raised and supported. At times it is much more informative than other forums on subjects like future eec regulation and there is a more closer knit community within this forum. There is still some censorship but it is still there although less conspicious.

Another UK boating forum is g****e r*c s*****g . The least said about this the better. Some of the language and personel attacks that go on there are quite frightning and well out of control and obviously have no censorship.

I am registered an all the above forums.
There is no 'Them or Us', all of the forums contribute to the range of boating information that is available to everyone.
Each site is usefull in its own way,

I only make a posting when I feel I can contribute or reinforce someones posting, or when I am after some information.



11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: backpeddle (a bit)

Ah well, this is all lots better and i will explain myself, and fall into line!

answering your last point, no, I'm not sure that Badger was at all utterly constructive in initating the thread!

I copied the term "dictatorial" from the original post, inappropriate, although the way in which MM started off most threads in early bym days (to get things going, i thought) hasn't gone away. I thought it would, yet she still initiates most posts and altho of course there are others, she's unavoidably setting the tone and agenda, feeling distinctly "chez marian" rather than here where if it's quiet, moderators seem v careful not to start threads, especially of late: Kim acts far more as "pub landlord", joining tech discussions occassionally but quite careful to take a back seat, letting others set the agenda, only banning and barring when it gets out of hand. There's a healthy distance between the magazines and the forums which are almost utterly independent. Bym feels much more of marians side door, a mouthpiece, checking levels of interest in various topic, facts and figures and so on.

I do recall (but not much exp) of a more self-regulated/elitist nettiquette (wow, a modem!) and i am afraid that whilst some rules (eg it's best not to fib!) still stay in place, perhaps the greater exp/degree of bb usage now lessens the danger of people going off the deep end, getting hold of the wrong end of the stick, a more common occurrence on user-hostile bbs a decade or more ago, perhaps?

Anyway, agreed, i don't much feel a them and us at all. I think that there *was* a tocuh of this to start, 18months ? ago or whatever. So, no hard feelings here, just me not wanting to see the slightly boisterous stuff vanish from ybw.

Note also, that badger's slightly inflammatory post has in fact prompted a rational discussion. I might not thave joined in a duller thread, and perhaps neither would you?

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by tcm on 22/11/2002 13:09 (server time).</FONT></P>


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3 May 2002
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Re: Net search . BYM is different aint it?

BYM Main Page
This is the Home page of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) - the organisation representing
the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Great Britain. ... - 11k - 20 Nov 2002 - Cached - Similar pages

BYM Entry Page
This is the Index page of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) - the organisation representing
the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Great Britain. ... BYM Logo. ...
Description: The official site of Friends (Quakers) in Great Britain, with directory of meetings and other information.
Category: Society > Religion and Spirituality > ... > Organizations - 4k - 20 Nov 2002 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

QuakerNet, BYM Interactive Quaker Site - Home

Come on brain.get this over and i can go back to killing you with beer


Re: sez you!

As I recall, it was Marian that launched an anti-PWC thread and then ran away when it became obvious that her arguments were fundamentally flawed (see Sunday Times articles passim) and that she was merely trading in half-truths, bigotry and misinformation.

It was a lot of fun, though. And I hope you're not, by implication, blaming me for the utterly abysmal BYM site?