The Truth About Sailing On The Algarve


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24 May 2012
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Have now used the Faro Airport Shuttle in both directions & can report that it ran exactly as published so at €12 pp, will certainly use it next time:D:D:D


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24 May 2012
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Portuguese Authorities - Current Situation?

Last season this thread carried much information of foreign flagged vessels at the hands of the Portuguese marine authorities.

Well, have paid light dues (€11.50) & believe we are 'legal' so before we venture forth on the summer cruise, what is the latest on the marine authorities activities with regard to foreign flagged vessels?


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3 Feb 2009
Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
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Strange you should pay €11.50-----€2 does it for me ,and everyone else I've spoken to, only difference is in some places they give you a six-month certificate. In have always had 12-month/€2.


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24 May 2012
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Strange you should pay €11.50-----€2 does it for me ,and everyone else I've spoken to, only difference is in some places they give you a six-month certificate. In have always had 12-month/€2.

Regret, in Lagos it wasn't a debate! €11.5 for 12 months.

Met up with a guy who has come all the way down the West coast & nobody would take his money? Until he got to Lagos. He also paid €11.50.

Good old Portugal.


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30 Oct 2010
Swing mooring Faro
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We paid 2 in Faro for 6 months, about 6 weeks ago. Will leave the country as usual for a few weeks to avoid the cruising tax.

Only just back aboard today but heve not heard of anyone getting hassle from the maritime police for a very long time. Have been warned already by a couple of people that traffic police are getting tough on the N125, zero tolerance and more unmarked cars, with some traffic cops in plain clothes in BMWs, which isn't playing fair:mad:.


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22 Aug 2008
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Strange you should pay €11.50-----€2 does it for me ,and everyone else I've spoken to, only difference is in some places they give you a six-month certificate. In have always had 12-month/€2.

Many clerks don't know their own laws. The "imposto unico de circulação" says that foreign vessels here for more than six months must pay the same as Portuguese registered : class 1 €56, cl.2 €28, cl.3 €11.5, cl.4 €8.5, cl.5 €6


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Many clerks don't know their own laws. The "imposto unico de circulação" says that foreign vessels here for more than six months must pay the same as Portuguese registered : class 1 €56, cl.2 €28, cl.3 €11.5, cl.4 €8.5, cl.5 €6

Think we are at cross purposes here.

This is not "imposto unico de circulação" or boat tax as it is popularly called, but Taxa de Farolagem Balizagem (Light Dues).

Boat tax is administered by the local tax office but light dues are managed by the local capitania.

Before leaving boat tax, the rules for foreign flagged vessels is a little more complicated than a flat rate based on 6 months & class.


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22 Aug 2008
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Think we are at cross purposes here.

This is not "imposto unico de circulação" or boat tax as it is popularly called, but Taxa de Farolagem Balizagem (Light Dues).

Boat tax is administered by the local tax office but light dues are managed by the local capitania.

Before leaving boat tax, the rules for foreign flagged vessels is a little more complicated than a flat rate based on 6 months & class.

The information which I gave relates to the Farolagem and is also listed under I.U.C which is not the boat tax. The €2 amount is for short stay vessels only.


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24 May 2012
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I Am Confused

The information which I gave relates to the Farolagem and is also listed under I.U.C which is not the boat tax. The €2 amount is for short stay vessels only.


I am confused.

I have both receipts for last year here in front of me & the IUC is clearly the boat tax (based on engine & only payable after more than 6-months contiguous in Portuguese Waters). From experience - paid at the local tax office.

The Faolagem is required as soon as you enter Portuguese Waters (if you can pay it) paid to the Capitania (in Lagos the other end of town from the local tax office).

Faolagem - what constitutes short stay?.

It is important to get it right because if stopped at sea the authorities will want to see a current Faolagem not a IUC receipt.

Additionally, depending on your engine size the IUC could be very expensive - that is why high power boats enter Spanish Waters in early June (and get a marina receipt). Thus, legally avoid the IUC.

Am I right or wrong? A third opinion would be appreciated.
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30 Oct 2010
Swing mooring Faro
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Nortada, AS you say, Taxa de Farolagem e Balizagem is for light dues and payable the day the boat enters Portuguese waters, cost usually 2 euro for 6 months (unless you're a Scot and manage to get 12 months for you 2 euro:D)

If still in Portuguese waters after the 183 days, then light dues are due again but, si is cruising tax so it's best to pay next 6 moths light dues at another harbour/marina or, nip into Ayamonte or somewhare for a night or two which, for most yachts, costs about the same as paying cruising tax - a bit pointless.


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2 Jun 2007
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The Faolagem is required as soon as you enter Portuguese Waters (if you can pay it)

If you can pay it, indeed.

Everywhere we have asked so far, including the marine policia, got us an answer that said pay at your next port of call.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Just finish sea trial so once the Nortada abates ready for the off.

Aware that the tempo of sailing activities is increasing has anybody had any contact (good or bad) with the Portuguese Maritime Authorities?


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11 Dec 2005
Outer Hebrides
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Just finish sea trial so once the Nortada abates ready for the off.

Aware that the tempo of sailing activities is increasing has anybody had any contact (good or bad) with the Portuguese Maritime Authorities?

Have not heard anything here in Norfolk.

In the nicest possible way, I hope you are boarded by a Portuguese Navy Seal Team who - unable to calibrate your Heliograph, arrested you, fine you €500,000, impound the boat, seize your assets - especially your hat -, sell Sue to Moroccan warlords :)eek:) and that you are thrown in gaol with just a pen and paper to enable you to write to the RYA.

edit: ok, perhaps the 'hat' comment was a little offside. :)


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24 May 2012
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Rain Stopped

Have not heard anything here in Norfolk.

In the nicest possible way, I hope you are boarded by a Portuguese Navy Seal Team who - unable to calibrate your Heliograph, arrested you, fine you €500,000, impound the boat, seize your assets - especially your hat -, sell Sue to Moroccan warlords :)eek:) and that you are thrown in gaol with just a pen and paper to enable you to write to the RYA.

edit: ok, perhaps the 'hat' comment was a little offside. :)

Spent close on €1,000 to get legal so will be mega pi**ed off it NOT boarded - give me a chance to test my rapidly improving Portuguese:rolleyes:

Heliograph working perfectly & still got the US Vietnam colors (note the spelling) of the day codes - a trite out of date but will The Seals notice?:eek:

Haven't got €500,000.:mad:

Sue's boat - even Seals or Portuguese SAS wouldn't dare :eek:

Hat broke - but got a new bigger better one €2.50 from the Chinese shop - last of the big-time spenders:p

Sold Soo into white slavery when last in Smir for 5 camels (good deal?). Later the same day the guy gave Soo back, blessed me & said, "Keep the camels". Names heavily disguised hopefully to save me from a big kicking! :rolleyes:

'There ain't a goal built that could hold me Buster' but might need protection if Her In Doors see the previous comment.:(

Finally, as you know from previous posts - can't write!:p

Rain back & v windy again but still off walking along cliffs to Atalia for lunch €8.50 (inc. 1/2ltr wine) so that press-on spirit is not quite dead.

Will check your boats on my return.

So ta ta for now.;)
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New member
16 Mar 2005
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Last season this thread carried much information of foreign flagged vessels at the hands of the Portuguese marine authorities.

Well, have paid light dues (€11.50) & believe we are 'legal' so before we venture forth on the summer cruise, what is the latest on the marine authorities activities with regard to foreign flagged vessels?

I don't know about the rest of Portugal but here on the Guadiana there is intense activity by various authorities up and down the river as far as Alcutim and Mertola. Two large Maritime Police ribs, jointly staffed by Spanish and Portuguese officials from customs, immigration, maritime police and an other group who declined to be identified, are pretty constantly on patrol and boarding yachts. I have been boarded at anchor and appropriate boat documents and personal passports studied. A small scale inspection of safety gear was undertaken eg fire extinguishers and life raft. Despite being on the Spanish side of the river with a Spanish courtesy flag up, great importance was attributed to having paid the Portuguese Light Dues. The lead official claimed that a boat on the river not having such a certificate would be fined circa €250 minimum but declined to elaborate. I have no idea how Spanish registered vessels view this claim. The visit was polite and great care taken to cause no damage. GNR cutters are also on patrol plus Spanish and Portuguese Navy vessels.
I now await claims from other individuals in the area that all the above is "rubbish" and that they have sailed the Guadiana for 99 years and never seen an official in their life......... or am I just a little jaundiced by the attitude of certain folk on here.
Fair winds.