The times are a changing



I have sold my boat and was feeling really sorry for myself but I am not so sure now. I think that, given world events, now is perhaps quite a good time to be boatless unless you have enough money

a) have little or no finance on it
b) be able to regard the money tied up in it as expendable.

Does the panel agree?

I think we will see changed attitudes at the manufacturers soon as orders start to dry up/be cancelled. I wish I had shares in a Video conferencing company!



Well-known member
16 May 2001
Bucks & St Raphael SoF
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Re: Media Made recession

As usual, eveyone appears to love media induced panic. In truth, economy wise, not much has happened since last Tuesday but as long as the TV & papers keep telling us that financial ruin is upon us, it wont be long before they are right!

Take my recession busting advice at the boat show and SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!!!!


Re: Millions go to work and return safely today

100% agreed Markc. They run surveys reporting level of gloom, publish the gloom factor, then survey again and hey presto more people are gloomy.

However, as a result of your posting I am much less gloomy. Indeed, shouldn't Nick get down to the boat show pronto and slam down deposit on anything, as prices are going up due to massive demand? After all, his own boat was snapped up at what he thort was a high price, and he hasn't been able to find a replacement. Now he's tyruying to make us all feel as though we ought to dump the boat asap. Possibly so he can buy one cheap. How very very cunning NR...


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Typical accountanty type views, things are either

1 awful
2 getting worse
3 couldn't be any worse
4 no light at the end of the tunnel
5 the light at the end of the tunnel is the express train coming to hit you.

Now all us boat owners can still go out and enjoy this superb weather this coming weekend whilst all you can do is look out of your window and turn green (still I suppose that's better than turning green on a boat!) looking at all those lucky people having a good time.

You know that now is the time to go out and buy your Turbo 36 or whatever it is you have decided on - aft cabin or no aft cabin? - and get back to enjoying yourself in the best way possible.


In the interests of economy, the light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off.


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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The recession has bottomed out somewhat sooner than expected due to the tragic event in NYC. The only way now is up, I am buying shares like crazy... my tip get hold of British Airways when its all over they will be picking up all the business left by the airlines that go broke. Never been a better buy.



21 Aug 2001
South East England
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Is life really worth living without a boat? Most of the doom and gloom is media made to sell papers. If the big mushroom should ever come I shall be sitting in the cockpit of the boat with a G&T, at one with the world and toasting the prats around me that never learned to live,

Deleted User YDKXO

Firstly, it is your patriotic duty to buy another boat as it helps keep the poor sods in Oundle,Kidderminster and Plymouth etc in gainful employment. Secondly, when you're lying on your deathbed will you be thinking how sensible you were not to have a boat during the '01 recession? No, you'll only remember the good times you had on your boat. Lastly, if there is any antidote to the present depressing events, its being on your boat. So, none of this armageddon nonsense please


Re: BA shares, and other stuff

er hang Byron, thiv just dropped another 5%...

But nonetheless I'm very pleased that the panel is upbeat.

In the north of England, where I come from, everyone knows and respects the beliefs of others. For example, there are separate groupings of the Muslims in Manchester. Some of them apparently support Manchester City FC, and they're the Fundamentalists. Whereas the others, who support Manchester United, are Shi'ite. And they know they are.


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: Millions go to work and return safely today

For what it's worth I'm looking at boats again...had the money from my last one tucked up in various schemes only to successfully prove that I know that square root of zero about where to put it for best effect (and haven't got time to work it out).

At least for the first three days here at the show there was a real feeling of let's get stuck in and enjoy money while we can; it's been a bit quieter during the week so perhaps other thoughts are biting but at least I'm firmly resolved to look for a motorboat (with scope for fitting very long range tanks).


Re: daft wife

However, I have just now discovered that Mrs S has been holding on to tracker funds for a full year or more since I tolder to get out of the stcok market. "But they're peps". UNfortunately these aren't worth selling now, as they seem to be heading for the psychologically-important level of "nothing much".


Too late to buy a boat

Buying a yacht or boat now if funded immediately from equities is bad news. However if someone (and I know of several sailors not a million miles from here) did that in about May 1999 or even September 2000 (when the market was high), he or she now has a sound investment holding value in a falling stock market.
This presupposes the boat is sound, reputable and of reasonably wide appeal (i.e. saleable at some point). It must also be used, be fun and be maintained. Boats are only an investment if made use of.


Re: why afgahns hate the rest of the world

it is quite simple really, they don't have a coast line or inland water way.
hence they can't go boating.
no wonder they are so bitter.


Re: Media Made recession

I'm just selling a house now, before the housing market plummets, and putting some of the proceeds into index trackers while they're at a healthy low.

Hopefully, post recession, I should be able to afford an even bigger boat!

Mind you... it will probably only make up the money I've already lost in telecoms stock...

On the other hand, we might all be dead tomorrow, so it's probably a good idea to enjoy ourselves to the full extent of our budget now... long live hedonism (and I'm not talking about those hotels in the Carribean).


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