Well-known member
Rorc are strong believers in one number systems, and I doubt very much they would ever seriously think about a multiple number for their own rating system. Horses for courses/every dog has his day.
What about a Fastnet which is a long beat out to the rock and a run back? One big windward
But offshore everyone understands that it's horses for courses. And the difference is that there is a chance of a course suiting something like a J/88 and it winning. Currently it is well known that a ww/lw track puts boats such as the 88 (Which is hardly extreme) at a massive disadvantage.
Currently RORC tell us that the rating is balanced for 1/3 beating, 1/3 reaching and 1/3 running. And offshore that seems like a sensible compromise for a 1 number system. All they'd have to do would be to create an inshore rating that was 2/3 beating and 1/3 running and hey presto we could see boats like the J88 or the Far east28 stand a chance of winning a race. And that might just get designers and buyers interested again.
Can't hurt the existing fleet either, as if RORC's numbers are right then they're not disadvantaged, just not massively favoured either.
The more I think about it, the more I like it...