the nature of a forum


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15 Jul 2005
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...but post here and sit back picking others brains and letting other do all the hard work.

Well, that's one way of looking at it. But what goes through my mind when I post here is 'what do my mates think?' No one has to answer if they don't want to.

Thank you for some interesting and varied posts to my original proposition.

It doesn't bother me if people don't respond to suggestions I make or advice offered, although some seem offended by it. My view is that there's enough to read on here already.

My rule, not always applied I'm afraid, is that if I glean a really useful and unexpected piece of information, then I'll drop a line of thanks.


4 May 2004
Up a creek....
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It doesn't bother me if people don't respond to suggestions I make or advice offered, although some seem offended by it. My view is that there's enough to read on here already.

My rule, not always applied I'm afraid, is that if I glean a really useful and unexpected piece of information, then I'll drop a line of thanks.


I was once critisied for not replying to an answering post a short time after my original question.....I'd gone out sailing rather than sit on the PC.

Reptile Smile

8 Feb 2012
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I'm too much of a n00b to offer much advice to anyone unless it's on my speciality subjects of crossing threads, saving money or misreading charts, but on other forums on which I've posted, including being a mod on a 'European-level' type forum in another sport, I've sometimes seen thread come up for the nth time and (and I'm not proud of this) thought to myself, "someone else can pick it up this time..."

What I've never felt the urge to do is post a smart-arse 'use the search button' comment.

However, I certainly am (shamefully) guilty of not always thanking people for help offered. Lakey, Searush, and others - thank you. You've never given me duff advice and I hugely appreciate your help, time and wisdom...


9 Aug 2007
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However, I certainly am (shamefully) guilty of not always thanking people for help offered. Lakey, Searush, and others - thank you. You've never given me duff advice and I hugely appreciate your help, time and wisdom...

Is this the SAME Lakey & Searush... no duff info! Ahhhh yes - by your own admission you're a NOOB! You are mistaking whiskers for wisdom!

(Apologies Searush - I had to do it. Keep an eye out for Ty-phoo down the straits this Aug - I pray we make it)
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Quidi Vidi

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18 Aug 2010
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Of all the things in this world & on the forum, to get wound up about, I think these are quite low down my priorities!

There's no such thing as a dumb question, only dumb answers. Guess who used to be a Trainer!

If you don't want to respond, no-one is forcing you. Often discussions around the original question throw a new light on the topic (for me anyway as I am not an expert on everything - or even anything I fear :eek:)

Nasty or dismissive comments do not help anyone, not even the person who posts them.



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12 Sep 2002
I was reading a current thread where it was being suggested to the OP that he would have gleaned more information by doing a search than he would if he'd started a new thread on the subject that interested him.

I may have got hold of the wrong end of the stick; but surely a forum such as this is not a sacred reference library. It is where we come to rest our elbows on the bar and have a chat about what is on our mind. It doesn't matter how often the same old subjects repeat themselves. That is the nature of chat.

I wouldn't expect to drop into a pub, ask 'who won the match?', and be directed to Google. So why here?


Stu Jackson

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25 Dec 2009
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There always are repetitive questions that arise. It happened so much on our C34 website that I started a "101 Topics" thread. See this for example:,6437.0.html I just got tired of repeating the same stuff.

I, too, went through the search for it first" approach, which met stiff resistance. Another skipper posted "It's easier to ask here than to do my own homework." :eek:

Like any "community" it takes all kinds.

Nowadays, I use links to avoid repetitive typing, I'd rather be sailing. :D

And one thing that remains true: even if you give 'em the links, you can't make 'em read them. :cool:
2 Jul 2012
Les Isles de La Manche
Non-responsive OPs are just a tad ahead (in the annoyance stakes) of those posters who blithely post an answer that you have already proffered, without acknowledging that.

Obviously having only read the OP and not the rest of the thread.

How rude.

I am not entirely sure you have quite understood how Forums work of the keys is the variety of different sources that provide "answers" (even where those are not terribly good or complete - sometimes the best answer is further questions the OP should ask of others and self!).....and there is no requirement to read, let alone acknowledge every previous poster.

If folks want only answers from fully qualified "Professionals" then better off buying a book or putting hand into own pocket....otherwise one of the costs of "free" (apart from advice maybe being duff!) is having to sort the wheat from the chaff! and reading repetition (repetition does not automatically make something true - just ups the likelihood that it is at least in the ballpark).

Plus of course the thread may have been started by an OP, but is written for all - always more readers than posters.....otherwise everything would be conducted by e-mail :p

Anyway, whilst this can of worms is of my pet peeves about Forums (ok, Fora :rolleyes:) is an OP who wants an answer only from someone who has done exactly what the OP is wanting to do....whether that be hitting a nail with a hammer on a Beneteau moored in a Marina, or replacing a 3/4" thingamajig in an 1837 perkins (4107 :p), in Timbuktoo using only a pair of pliers and a Sausage..........and then proceeds to get upset :mad: that others chip in with alternative solutions / options / ideas - some of which may not be based on exactly the same thing as the OP is wanting ("I once hit a nail with Hammer - but it wasn't on a Beneteau" or "have you considered replacing the Sausage with a Banana?" :D).

Ok, I feel better now :cool:
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14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
I am not entirely sure you have quite understood how Forums work of the keys is the variety of different sources that provide "answers" (even where those are not terribly good or complete - sometimes the best answer is further questions the OP should ask of others and self!).....and there is no requirement to read, let alone acknowledge every previous poster.


You don't know about the rules for "Lakesailoring" do you? It's a longstanding tradition of this very forum. :D I've not come across it on any other forum, but would be delighted to be proven wrong.


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9 Dec 2004
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As Searush says (see what I did there?) you may not know how this Forum works :D

Read and digest Lakesailor Rules

(This is a link which I realise many people won't follow)

I did.

Who is the "lakesailoree"?
The person that first posted?
Are they Rocna'd if they drag whilst flying the wrong ensign and and up in Nidd (for the next 3 tides)?

Why no Rule 34 or 306a, 306b?

Reverend Ludd

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15 May 2011
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I amazed that some folks ever post more than once on here.

Seems to me you are dammed if you do and dammed if you don't.

Ask a question that's been asked a few times and get stick for it.
Resurrect an old thread and get people saying have you seen the date !!

If you don't want to answer nicely, just move on. :)


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21 Sep 2004
Dover for a while
...or correkting speling and puktuashun.

I agree – I also hate the pedants on here.

(btw it’s “correcting spelling and punctuation”)

But back to the OP’s point, one of the joys of the sailing and the community we’re part of is that you never stop learning from others – irrespective of how much experience you may or may not have. And from that, it feels right to pass your own small knowledge on.

A few times I’ve added my 5 cents worth on a subject where I’ve done something in such and such a way….

And well more than a few times have read someone’s suggestion about something I do a certain way and smacked my forehead, crying out “Doh, their’s is such a better way”.


New member
12 Sep 2002
As Searush says (see what I did there?) you may not know how this Forum works :D

Read and digest Lakesailor Rules

(This is a link which I realise many people won't follow)

I did too, out of morbid curiosity ;)

My initial thought was that the General Definitions are in need of being bought up to date in a number of areas:-

They are missing some key 21st century politically correct definitions, namely "he = she and vice versa" / "singular = plural and vice versa" etc. I could go on but have not for the sake of brevity :)

Also the reference to a dictionary being a big fat book is not only "fatist" but is now probably superseded by Google Search or Wikipedia or similar!

Any other views? :) :)