The London Shipwreck Project

Keith 66

Well-known member
21 Jun 2007
Benfleet Essex
Visit site
Went to a presentation at the Beecroft gallery in Southend on the shipwreck of HMS London, Fascinating day with talks & displays of artifacts.
The London was commisioned by Oliver Cromwell for the Royal Navy & sank in 1665 after suffering an accidental gunpowder explosion.
Steve Ellis lead diver for the project gave a superb talk on the ship & the conditions they are working under. His & the teams passion for the project was plain to see.
There is an exhibition on the wreck shortly to open at Southend museum.
The wreck sits just a couple of miles from the end of the pier right on the edge of the shipping channel & every tide & passing ship does more damage to the wreck which can truly be said to be the equivalent of the Mary Rose.
Links here, The Story So Far - The London Shipwreck Project , Bei Facebook anmelden,