The good old days......?


Well-known member
11 Jun 2001
Inland France + Oxon.
The good old (dead) days . .

Things are as they are, not the way they were once.
Vive la diference!

My biggest worry is the amount of time some people must spend on this, and the BYM, site. Postings are being made faster and in greater quantity than I can possibly keep up with, dropping in - albeit regularly - from time to time. I sometimes get the feeling that debates and dialogues are dominated by a select and fortunate few with time to spare and an almost professional committment to the site(s). It kind-of makes 'outsiders' out of everyone else.

Ah well, such is life - and they're both interesting valuable sites. (sorry to sound that patronising note)


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30 May 2001
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We are in the business of communication! The quality of the subject line is all important. I guess most users (who are not retired anoraks with few other calls on their time) skim the headings and rarely look at anything older than a couple of days unless "searching" for a specific target. Sorry if I am repeating something already said but this heading didn't warrant reading all the postings in my book! (-:


Now this is a viewpoint I cannot understand

The fact that some people contribute more than others to a BB does not make "outsiders" of anybody. The only thing that would do that is if people only responded to specific others - which I have never see happening on SB (old or new) or any other sailing board except asa.sailing. I suppose you could "ration" everybody to a maximum number of posts per week, or forbid people to develop relationships (virtual or otherwise) What a boring board that would be! Its open to anyone to use a BB as they wish, within the t & cs and, in my opinion, if someone chooses to see others as "select" and themselves as "outsiders" then that is their problem. Adults shouldn't need nursmaids on the internet any more than in their ordinary lives.


16 May 2001
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Well said Jeremy, BYM

is as you describe a virtual club, note I dropped the yacht word. As a regular on BYM all are welcome be it stink pots, yachts even wooden boats or wooden boat owners (;-) yes everything is worth talking about, even boats sometimes, soooooooo anyone who wants to drop in here's the address

PS.... I expect the dog watch will delete this posting so be quick to visit or save the address.

Dave B



16 May 2001
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Yes Agreed but

at BYM is where there is a vast bank of sailing/boating knowledge that is there for the asking, people only have to drop in and ask, you don't need to login or obtain a password.

Dave B



New member
16 May 2001
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Well, I can!

I don't think it applies so much to Scuttlebutt, but for the majority of us who find it difficult enough to find time to sail enough, visiting Boat Shows, joining up with other forum members, etc, let alone posting five times per day is just impossible, and can engender a 'left out' feeling!


But surely the answer is simple

Virtual places are like real places. If some suit you and some don't - go to the ones that suit you. Don't waste time complaining about the ones that don't.


I don\'t see why it should!

Make you feel "left out". Many people don't have the time to post each and every day - some travel overseas to work and only post when they're either in the UK or have access to a PC. I find no trouble with browsing through the messages, and if there is something there that interests me, then I join in - pretty simple really. My main reason for not posting frequently on Scuttlebutt - or PBO, is the constant repetition of postings and answers. Gone is the banter that prevailed some twelve months ago, so, I prefer to drop in at Chez Marian's where there is usually some lively debate in progress!


Well-known member
11 Jun 2001
Inland France + Oxon.
Re: Now this is a viewpoint I cannot understand

I'm sorry my sir or madam, you've missed the point - or deliberately distorted it.

Ever been at a party where most people know one another, resume conversations from previous parties that you weren't at, and where as a result of this familiarity they dominate the conversations and the 'social intercourse'? Ever felt like an 'outsider' even though 'theoretically' you're not? If you haven't, then you haven't lived.

Some Clubs are good, but some are like those Saloon Bars one encounters from time to time, where everyone turns round to stare when one comes through the door, then they resume their unfunny half-witted jokes and myopic half-baked opinions.

To suggest that I'm suggesting rationing posts or forbidding is frankly nonsensical and a deliberate distortion of my own post, which was an attempt to say - (a) take websites as you find them now, not how they might have been once, (b) the volume of posts is both a signal of success and also a practical problem for the non-cogniscienti to 'keep up with' and (c) cliquey 'in jokes' may be fine for those in the know, but can be deadly boring for everyone else.

The BYM website is indeed lively and entertaining and dare I say, educational, but it also suffers from (b) and (c). And that's not to damn or dismiss it, just to recognise the truth. Nothing is perfect and most things are some kind of compromise. I really do like both the YBW and BYM sites, but they're not above criticism for Pete's sake.

If you think I'm suggesting some kind of 'government' of people, posts or even relationships for god's sake, then you're very badly misinformed.


Re: Now this is a viewpoint I cannot understand

Nicely put, I agree with you 100%. I do not have a great deal of time available to spend on the internet and thus tend to browse. Both sites have a lot to offer so find it puzzeling why regular contributors to one denigrate the contributors of others.? This is evidenced in recent posts on both sites. Internet sites are like TV stations, you watch what you want and switch off what you don't. There is no rivalry between sites. horses for courses etc.



Sorry, don\'t agree!

I occasionally post here, I occasionally post post on BYM, depends whether or not there is a topic under discussion that interests me. I have never felt an "outsider" on either Board, in fact, I would go so far as to say that BYM is an extremely friendly Board, and in my view actively encourages new posters. There seems to be a wide range of topics under discussion, which do not attract the "whats that got to do with sailing" or "this is a sailing board fer crissake" commments which do happen on SB. Let's face it, there is only so much that can be discussed about stern glands, and a varied range of topics from like minded people is welcome, particularly during the non-sailing winter months!


Neither do I!

Is the sight of people enjoying each others' company and having a laugh together really so terrible?


Go to the Motor boat chat forum. I'm laying into them over there and it's great fun.


Hang on a mo .....

The thread has lost the gist of the original posting here ..... the original lamented the passing of the old 'banter and wind-ups' ..... to be honest I miss it as well AND I was the target for quite a bit of it AND had my IP address used for slagging off others. One of the reasons for the change of forum etc.

I miss many of the funnies, the ribbing .... etc. it gave the whole affair some laughs ! BUT there were some that went so far as to make it unhealthy .... causing the changes.

It actually sparked of the creation of the PBO Meet group and we have had some excellent meetings and forum postings on our own and the YBW sites ...... OK we all know each other and occasionally we let slip a post that shows we have 'in-jokes' etc. that those not in the 'know' would find strange. BUt that's life .....

Lets lighten up - I've tried by a few postings lately - I don't believe I did that .... etc.

So ??????????


Well-known member
11 Jun 2001
Inland France + Oxon.
Re: Hang on a mo .....

So we're all in agreement, then.

YBW and BYM are each jolly good, in their own jolly friendly ways.
And we could all benefit from some jokes, banter, self-deprecating stories . . .


