Here let it be known. That the imperial Chat Show Burgee has been flown over Plymouth and the surrounding areas of Devon and the Duchy of Cornwall. Superb planning of the invasion ensured that the royal navy was too busy in Afghanistan, to notice the defeat. The surprise attack was effected by first attacking Plymouth by land forces. Then attacking Agatha Crispy's Island by landing craft. This was done whilst Agatha was visiting her brother Rice!
The rubber landing craft contained the assault force, which included Two dogs, one floozy, Long John Silver, The dog handler and the captain. Victory was assured by first drinking the islands dry of booze. After which the enemy surrendered without a fight. There was a slight incident when the Pirate, LJS, mutinied. However the remaining crew managed to capture Looe Polpero and Fowey after a days rest inland at a hide out in deepest Cornwall. Guarded by seven foot tall chickens!!! Here the strategic reserve boat, was ready on a trailer and hidden in the garage for immediate deployment should trouble arise. However concerns about the four horse power motor on the back of the ton plus boat, was noted by the procurement officer. He was soon placated though by a large dose of mixed grill and more beer!
On returning to base for a well deserved rest from the conflicts. And suffering from back injuries. Word was passed to the captain, that even more bloody flag ordering conscripts, were applying to join the victors.
Enough’s a bloody nuff. We’ve conquered Devon and bloody Cornwall and I’m still licking bloody envelopes!!
No one can force me to come here-----------
----- I'm a Volunteer!!!
The rubber landing craft contained the assault force, which included Two dogs, one floozy, Long John Silver, The dog handler and the captain. Victory was assured by first drinking the islands dry of booze. After which the enemy surrendered without a fight. There was a slight incident when the Pirate, LJS, mutinied. However the remaining crew managed to capture Looe Polpero and Fowey after a days rest inland at a hide out in deepest Cornwall. Guarded by seven foot tall chickens!!! Here the strategic reserve boat, was ready on a trailer and hidden in the garage for immediate deployment should trouble arise. However concerns about the four horse power motor on the back of the ton plus boat, was noted by the procurement officer. He was soon placated though by a large dose of mixed grill and more beer!
On returning to base for a well deserved rest from the conflicts. And suffering from back injuries. Word was passed to the captain, that even more bloody flag ordering conscripts, were applying to join the victors.
Enough’s a bloody nuff. We’ve conquered Devon and bloody Cornwall and I’m still licking bloody envelopes!!
No one can force me to come here-----------
----- I'm a Volunteer!!!