New member
A tricky problem which has happened to us a few times so far...
You're in the queue for the lock, behind a big boat (usually a Dutch steel job or similar). Your own boat is smaller (11'ish beam, 36'ish LOA). The preceding boat's skipper calls to you and says 'Go ahead, you'll get in', so you proceed towards the lock, to be waved away by the keeper.
The gates close, you walk up to the lock, and you see there was plenty of room to get in.
Do you say anything to the lock-keeper?
Do you complain to the EA?
You're in the queue for the lock, behind a big boat (usually a Dutch steel job or similar). Your own boat is smaller (11'ish beam, 36'ish LOA). The preceding boat's skipper calls to you and says 'Go ahead, you'll get in', so you proceed towards the lock, to be waved away by the keeper.
The gates close, you walk up to the lock, and you see there was plenty of room to get in.
Do you say anything to the lock-keeper?
Do you complain to the EA?