


I am just back after my annual dry land holiday (part of the deal with my wife!) and we went to Thailand. I return to find that my previous password would not work but that the forum is much improved and all signing and dancing now.

Anyway, the point is, I have noticed a couple of posts about people getting a bit irate with rowers on the Thames and I think I have the answer. We took a trip to the river Kwai and there boarded a Thai river boat with a long tailed outboard - you know, the sort of thing which looks like a kitchen whisk with anything up to a V8 petrol hanging on the end. If you lean on the end of it, the prop, still turning at several thousand rpm comes out of the water and turns into quite an effective circular saw - is everyone getting the picture now?

The boats themselves are about 20-25ft long and 4ft beam with a flat bottom. The one we had, had a one inch thick cushion on the bottom which, at an estimated 20-25 knots did nothing to relieve the damage to one's posterior - it was alright for the wife as she is much better equipped in that area!



Re: Boat test required please

Totally agree. I went on one of these about 15years ago. The Bangkok V8-on-a-stick Powered Canoe needs a proper MBY boat test. Much better than a poxy rib with wimp outboards with (pah!) covers over the belts and pulleys and stuff.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: MBY test on V8 razzer

...and presum can make pot noodle by just placing the pot on the rocker cover as you go along, no need to worr about slops on carpet



Re: MBY test on V8 razzer

Ideal for pot noodle and satay strapped to the exhaust. A few tips for trips on long tail boats

a) do not wear a tie as it may catch in all the open pulleys etc.
b) learn to swear in Thai
c) use ear muffs as the minimal approach to this form of propulsion means there is no silencing of any sort
d) do not go on rivers with sharp bends as they have about a 500 ft turning circle
e) do not pass other boats as the slightest wash can do serious damage to your tail bone



16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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See you've been reduced to a lowly (new User) Nick. Mind you your new job as director of email sounds impresive.
So your a sort of postman I presume!!
Did you bring the new gearbox back for me or do I borrow the kenwood off the wife and stick a couple of diesel on the end??
We've all missed you alot cos theres been no ear wiging
or complaining for the last couple of weeks and its helped diplomatic relations with wife no end.
Glad to hear about your bum.



Re: anyway tell us more of wife deal

...and how much did you get? ;-)


Re: anyway tell us more of wife deal

It's like this. It took me years working on her to get her thinking right about boats and so, in return for a boating holiday once a year (I mean like at least 10 days as opposed to weekending), I have to promise to take her on an annual conventional hol. It has side benefits as I do not have to clean the boat (women's work anyway!) and I only attend to manly things like the engines and is there enough whisky in the cocktail cabinet. She even masterminded a re-upholster a couple of years ago.

Anyway, we're selling the current boat now and I do not know what I will do re replacement as yet - we'll see what we get for her (the boat that is). This might mean that her conventional holiday is converted to a couple of charters a year so I might have to recondition her thinking again.

Anyway I can't stop, she wants me for something!



You're absolutely right - I am just the lowest of the low. And its e-business you old git (my wife says I have to calm down these days on account of my age so I have refrained from calling you an old English git!). Basically I am charged with turning our website into money, a thankless task when surrounded by ignorant luddites!

With regard to using your wifes kenwood, I should refrain as it will probably go the way of your gearboxes and turbos - you'll only break it.

And a little Thai massage fixed the bum!

I have a little something for you but it is on my other computer so I will send it when I get home
