If you mean astronomical, I have a 10 inch Meade very happy with it, its computer controlled guidance system and the service from the shop I had it from.
Go<A target="_blank" HREF=http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~chrish/aa-ads.htm> HERE</A> to trawl thru enough S/hand scopes to make your eyes water./forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
Welcome to a hobby very nearly as expensive as boating.Two main manufacturers Meade and Celestron,with several smaller outfits.The smallest scope for serious work is generally considered to be 6" and most popular is the 8 inch jobbies,with the 10" and 12" being seriously expensive pieces of kit.You do not need to have GoTo computor controlled gear to get a decent view of stars and planets it just helps you find em a bit quicker.Only a personal view,but would much prefer a big non computorised scope to a smaller GoTo thing for same sort of money.My telescope is normally used without any electrics 99% of the time using the armstrong method of propulsion and the eyeball method of location.It is no good having your fancy piece of kit pointing at something you cannot see.
Have experience of the etx 90/125 range of scopes and they are difficult to use cos to small and fiddly.
just wondered as a Friend once asked to borrow my nigh vision site , and when I asked why said he wanted to walk round marina and peep in the boats,
I said no!