targa 48>V40


6 Aug 2001
Poole Dorset and Palma Majorca
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Following a reply by TCM regarding three cabin sports boats I started looking at Targa 48's as opposed to Flybridge which is where I thought I was headed.

Went out on a Flybridge and to be fair I don't think its my type of boating.

So the question is, does any one know of a 48 for sale in the UK and does/has anybody own/owned one and what are the things to watch out for.

Advertised my boat in MBY next month. (Is this subliminal selling) (hope so)




11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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yes, i had a t48. We generally had a great time, and the boat mostly worked most of the time. But...

The anchor relay thing is at the front of the boat, and needs testing, ours needed replacing early on.
The windscreen washers get trodden on and broken.
The forward gelcoat can get spolit as the cleats aren't outboard enough so the ropes rub. Sme retrofitted crome stips to stop this.
The one-piece windscreen should have a central support not standard until around boat number 50.
The nav should all work, but if there's been a deluge, it may not.
UNder the cockpit cushions the hinges can be rusty.
The cockpit cushions have been made with non-stainless staples, which perforates the plastic internal backing which can snapin half, so check the one behind the helm seat.
Later models had two cockpit engine hatch catches, earlier models only one. Extra lagging under that hatch (I used Halyard stuff) makes a massive difference.
Over-guardiennage rubs away the top thin layer of teak from the plywood-backed teak on the swim platform.
Some models were modified to take a wetbike (pain in the arse) instead of a tender. Best option is to have a tender, not wetbike.
Correct colour is a blue hull, cherry internally and hoperfully NOT the mud-coloured avonite worktops in galley.
Carpets can be entirely replaced for about a grand with sooper-luxury gear.
It should have a genny and airco. Check service record of genny, difficult to reach.
Best examples and later modelswill have an extras bilge pump between the engines.
See if the blowers actually work.
An option is for sprung mattresses, which cost a grand on purchase- otherwise it'll have foam, rather uncomfy.
The shower doors are circular and can fall off. You can see how much work and how much action the boat has had from whether the shower doors turn nicely, and how many zillion screws are in there. Expect lots.
Rear boarding passarelles can be dodgy. Ours often didn't work.
Engines are cats 426hp on early ones, then volvo 430's, then more powerful volvos praps um 480 ish? Ours was cats, worked fine. But early leaks in primary water feed caused spray to iniate rusting on engines.
Some early models seemed not to go well. Boat is rated 34 knots for smallest engines so should crack 30 knots on a trial. Some only managed 25 knots tops and fline settled withem, be sure to avoid them.
The TV receivers are always crap.
Boat doesn't really need trmming cept to tip boat fwd whilst using radar, so trim tabs may be a bit seized up, check they work.
Portholes can work loose and cause damage to internal leather stuff.
These boats look great, imho, and production should have sorted more niggly problems imho. Esp in uk, they should be pretty clean.

Frank Verrill on the south coast knows these boats and can do decent surveys.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
Visit site
Note that none of it was very serious!

T43's very popular and rightly so , imho. I have 2 mates with these, don't seem to be v problematic

1. Again correct colours are all-white or (better) blue.
2. Be a pain in the arse and actuially insist on getting out the tender and trying the thing. Should be a doddle to start.
3. Engines and lazarettes in t43 should be nearly bone dry.
4. Pong from holding tanks is fixable - empty tank, flush through and so on.
5. In corners of saloon, near where the shower is, there can be some damp - use silicon to fix it.
6. Grimy sunpads come up a treat with dry cleaning.
7. Passarelles were often retrofitted - check that they don't er actually make the boat lean to one side, which they can do...
8. Early models (if not later) had a trendy yet crappy wooden breadboard thing around the taps in saloon which warps and cracks. The replacements warp and crack too. It should be plastic/avonite, or discount to allow for this to be done.
9 Best hood colour is blue, doesn't show the crap like grey which is sposed to be white.
10. It should wham along quite frighteningly. In a chop it has tendency to catch the chines as it's a highish boat, but only at speed.
11. Deck fridge works well enough to freeze beers solid!

Have fun.