TAMD 60b smoke If anybody is interested



Today March 8th I started my TAMD60b starboard engine only, for the first time since the winter lay up. She fired immediately and ran as sweetly as a "nut", with minimal smoke. The reason it was almost instantaneous is that (as an experiment) I have converted it to a pre heat (cold start) system.

This entailed the removal of both the inlet manifold and the intercooler, and the installation of both, heater plugs in the manifold, one opposite each cylinder inlet, and a TAMD"61"(or was it "70") pre-heat coil fitted to the intercooler outlet where it joins the inlet manifold.

This is all fed from the starter supply immediately below (convenient) through three starter solenoids mounted on the forward side of the intercooler housing, one for the heater plugs and one for the coil, with the third, supplying earth when switched (for safety). As yet I haven`t sourced a timer relay (but am soon to do so) for now I have to energise it all via a "bit of wire" touched on the the supply (yeah! there is a little arching!). This will rapidly be replaced by an illuminated push button on the dash, which will (through the timer) hold the heaters on for 30 seconds, after which time the engined is started. Another benefit (I see) is that after the engine starts the small amount of "Hunting" that occurs can be negated by the further manual use of the pre heat. I tried it today and within 10 seconds of "depressing the button" for a second time the hunting had stopped.

I obviously haven`t had time to properly evaluate this system as yet and would gratefully recieve all comments, but the additional benifit having fitted this system, is that I am obviously, initially getting better fuel burn thus less smoke on start up (got to be good). It is my intention to finish the Port engine in a few days and "full" trials will start in earnest.

If you have any comments on to this installation I would gratefully recieve them

<hr width=100% size=1>robinwdunham


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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<font color=blue>So what boat have you got Robin? I thought you had a P31. obviously this can't be right if you have 306s.

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16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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I thought everything was fitted with heater plugs as standard these days. Or even quite old. What was the reason for fitting. Mine seems to start with or without using them. Hunting can be stopped just by adding a few extra revs with accompanying extra smoke. What up with smoke! Well you cant see the raggies for ages. But surely thats a plus sign.

<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue> Haydn


I didnt have a cold start facility (only to pump the trottles and thus surcharge the exhaust with unburnt fuel). Now with my "super-duper" new installation I start at first revs with no unnecessary extra fuel and what smoke generation there is clears up (or relatively) quickly.

I think the last straw was a summers evening last year in Hornfleur with the quay side restaurants fully booked and I decides to start (badly) the engines for a return trip. The resultant dimming of the sun, that I caused, as well as the diesel tasting food is still talked about to this day.

<hr width=100% size=1>robinwdunham


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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<font color=blue> AHA! so it was you Eh! I read about it in Paris Match.

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