Tacky Christmas - bad taste photos


Well-known member
22 Nov 2004
Ron Ferguson's piece (<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.theherald.co.uk/features/29466.html>http://www.theherald.co.uk/features/29466.html</A>) in the Glasgow Herald (that now passes itself off as The Herald) had me in stitches. Here are the pix (I kid you not) from Madame Tussaud's:


Posh & Becks as guess who?


Kylie - an angel


Blair, the Chookie Embra, and Bush as the Three Wise Men, and,


Samuel L Jackson, Hugh Grant, and Graham Norton as the Shepherds tending their flock by night.

Is it me? Or is this really happening?

I couldn't possibly have made this up.

<hr width=100% size=1>I had a very nice link until Kim told us off about it. I'm not bitter mind.


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
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Re: Xmas newsletter, for those used to these thing

Even better, doing the rounds hours ago


Please find attached this year’s pitiful display of laziness, masked by a spurious facade of saving paper and the earth’s valuable resources. Yes it’s My eCard!

Produced at no expense whatsoever, using an image stolen from who knows where and distributed in breach of all decent countries’ copyright laws (except China, which actually is a pretty decent country, but really couldn’t give a FF about copyright if it applies to anything of value from the capitalist nations of the world that they curiously both despise and try to emulate), here is a mildly amusing picture that you too can cut and paste and send on to your friends (except those that might know me too, in which case they’ll know that you’re an unimaginative cheapskate who merely copies someone else’s idea and passes it off as your own. Rather like me really).

Do I wish you a happy Christmas? Actually there must be some spark of interest in your well-being since I have your email address and actually bothered to include you in the distribution list, although the likelihood of having a happy Christmas sometimes seems rather remote, so maybe we should just settle for one that doesn’t empty our wallets of too much cash in exchange for

(a) useless, crappy plastic things that the kids will lose interest in at approximately 3.15pm on Christmas Day when the Bond movie starts, or

(b) overpriced chocolates moulded into all manner of amusing (but hollow) shapes, or

(c) huge excesses of food that you’ll end up throwing away sometime in the Autumn of 2005 when you find it at the back of the larder and realise that the sell-by date was four months previously.

Actually I do hope that you get brief moments of peaceful and blissful solitude during your four days out of the working rat-race (although not me - X has bought the kids some noisy toys), whilst you exchange it for the extended-family-and-in-laws rat-race instead. Maybe you might get a nice pair of socks that don’t fit, or a jumper that you will wear but only so as not offend, but really you wouldn’t have bought it had it come gift-wrapped with a free long weekend with a couple of glamour models, or some more aftershave/perfume/eau de toilette/parfum/deodorant/talc (even though you bought some last week at Superdrug and probably paid half the price).

Maybe there’ll be some solace in emptying a bottle of port on your own at the “drinks with neighbours” luncheon on boxing day when you visit those people four doors away who you pass in the car occasionally, scowling at them because their diesel Vauxhall leaves a trail of gruesome fumes behind it as they crawl away in front of you.

Whatever. It could be worse. You could be the marketing director of Madame Tussaud’s (probably soon to be ex-marketing director) who thought it was a good idea to portray the Virgin Mary as Posh Beckham in this year’s Tussaud’s Nativity Scene (except of course for you, A, as you are that marketing director – good luck, mate, hope the right-wing Christian fundamentalists don’t find out your home address). For posterity here is that classic scene…


Love it.

Peace on earth, fat chance. Goodwill to all men, except George Dubya, Osama Bin Hidin’, that b*st*rd who thought it was cool to overtake coming round the corner towards me this morning, etc… please feel free to add your own.

May your plum never be duff.

Best wishes


Oh, pseudo card JPG thingy attached.


Apologies to those of who lurk behind corporate-nazi-firewalls that can’t get the attachments.

<hr width=100% size=1>Me transmitte sursum, caledoni


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23 Aug 2003
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Re: Xmas newsletter, for those used to these thing

Personally I have little difficulty envisaging Kylie as an angel, /forums/images/icons/smile.gif but the other selections are laughable

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Well-known member
22 Nov 2004
Re: Xmas newsletter, for those used to these thing

I suppose it was foretold that a great profit would come unto the land.

<hr width=100% size=1>I had a very nice link until Kim told us off about it. I'm not bitter mind.


Active member
22 Dec 2003
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Wish an angel would bend down infront of me like that.......all my Christmas's would come together....or at least someone would......!!!!

<hr width=100% size=1>


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12 Mar 2002
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Posh,Becks et al.

At first I thought this was the work of some cut-and-paste artist with too much time on their hands; now I think I am going to be sick.


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