Supervolcano Disaster Movie


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27 Aug 2003
Shoreham again
Well, I really kicked off a thread then.

No-one has quoted the subtitle to the Drama-Doc vis
"This is a true story. It just hasn't happened yet"
(or words to that exact effect)

How much did the production cost?

The Beeb will have to sell it widely, and obviously planned to from the beginning, otherwise it would never have gotton the budget to make such a gold-plated production.

Therefore many many people round the world will see it.

I return to one of my original questions - is the threat of natural disaster the new enemy without?

I'm not saying this is a bad or a good thing.

Happy Wednesday, everyone. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


New member
1 Feb 2005
Emsworth Hants.
Saw a program about this about a year or so ago.
There is a lake in Yellowstone where at one end all the trees are dying-roots are being waterlogged. At the other end the water level is falling. Reason. the land is being pushed up slowly moving the water closer to the trees. Cannot remember the rate, but it was a few inches a year, if I remember rightly!

America is going to have a rough time with this and the massive tidal-wave that will wipe out the East Coast when half of that Canary Island falls into the sea!


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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it means that altho i spent almost a flippin hour on sunday cleaning jimi's gunk-laden boat, the program has given him an excuse not to wash it ever again until it's covered in 2 inches of volcanic ash, and even then he'll probly just swish the hosepipe about and say "och, it's only going to get dirty again so what's the point?"


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30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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Re: Yes I did!

No-one has quoted the subtitle to the Drama-Doc vis
"This is a true story. It just hasn't happened yet"
(or words to that exact effect)


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Errr - yes, I did. Not exactly (I was half asleep at the time) I grant you, but near enough to qualify.

Do I get a Mars Bar for paying attention?

And as a matter of interest there was a programme a few years ago about Yellowstone, producing evidence that the caldera there is rising slowly. The problem was they had no means of knowing by how much or for how long this had been happening.

The problem Vulcanologists have is in predicting if or when an eruption will occur, there being no consistent predictors of an eruption. Many are preceded by earthquakes of increasing itensity, but many others give little or no warning. A group of vulcanologists were caught fairly recently investigating a crater in the Andes when it erupted suddenly and violently, killing most of them.

So there simply is no way of knowing whether Yellowstone will go soon or in a million years time.

Whichever, you can bet the bit in the programme about Mr (or Ms) President running away from it fast - and aides making all the wrong admin decisions - will be spot on!


Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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America is going to have a rough time with this and the massive tidal-wave that will wipe out the East Coast when half of that Canary Island falls into the sea!

[/ QUOTE ]

Nah. s'obvious, innit?

If Yellowstone erupts and covers America in ash, then the La Palma tidal wave (triggered by tremors from Yellowstone) will wash it all clean again.... the great thing being that Ms President doesnt get a second chance to escape /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

... theres a real balance to nature you see!!!! /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif


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7 Jul 2004
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It is a fact that this event is very unlikely to happen in a person's lifetime. It's not a fact to say it is as likely to happen as a pig flying. It's easier to see it happening if you compress the timescale from the geological millions and billions of years to something we can get our heads round. If you compressed the 4.5 billion years the earth has been in existence into 24 hours, the last three eruptions of Yellowstone would have taken place 40, 25 and 11.5 SECONDS ago. You can then see that another eruption is to be expected in the next few seconds but, in real time, that could be tomorrow or a thousand generations from now.


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26 Nov 2004
UK north East
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Yes and in a thousand generations pigs might evolve wings and fly. By that time the earth will have cooled and there will be no chance of an eruption.
So in conclusion at some time in the distant future....
If you step out of your door you will have more chance of beeing hit by a flying pig than a piece of pumice.


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7 Jul 2004
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A thousand generations is about 25000 years. In geological terms that is the blink of an eye (less than half a second using the 24 hour analogy) and in that short time the earth will NOT have cooled measurably from its present state.


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26 Nov 2004
UK north East
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Is a generation so short. It feels a lot longer. Anyway as I said some time in the distant future......some time in the distant past it was a lot hotter and bigger things than pigs took to the sky.
My whole point is that the earth is cooling and will one day be as cold as a witches tit. This is incontrovertable fact.
You cannot look into the past to predict the future if the circumstance in the future wont match the circumstance from the past. This is indisputable logic.

A scientist in the distant future when the earth is cold and dead sees evidence of lava flows he phones the BBC and hey presto we have a scare mongering programme on how everyone will die under tons of lava.

enough said.


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4 Jan 2004
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My whole point is that the earth is cooling and will one day be as cold as a witches tit. This is incontrovertable fact.

[/ QUOTE ]
As I explained in an earlier reply to you, the Earth is GENERATING heat through the decay of radioactive minerals in the rocks. You are correct that the original heat of formation is decaying, but the total fall in temperature of the upper mantle is small, and because the radioactive minerals are more prevalent in continental rocks the mantle temerature under them is likely to be as hot now as it ever was, post-formation.

Also your statement that the Earth will " day be as cold as a witches tit. This is incontrovertable fact." is neither incontrovertible nor is it a fact. In about 5 billion years (long before the Earth has cooled to witches tit temperature) the Sun will run out of hydrogen and begin fusing helium. The reaction pressure of helium fusion is much greater than that of hydrogen, so the Sun will swell to a red giant, which is about the size of the orbit of Mars. The Earth will thus grow hotter than you can ever imagine just before it is vapourised.

Tony C.