Sunsailism contd. Fire on board - Lesson learnt.


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27 Feb 2004
West London/Gosport
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Further to the Sunsail post here is one of the first lessons learnt by the new owner:

On the Friday evening the new owner together with her partner in crime (fellow forumite) had gone out and had a drink or two.
Now when the following morning you have to get up early because the instructor is coming and you are excited about taking your boat out for the first time you are not exactly focused on what you are doing.

It is not recommended that you fill the kettle, stick it on the stove and light the gas when you're not thinking quite straight.
An electric kettle on a gas burner pretty soon has molten burning plastic dripping from it like lava from a volcano. Equally lifting the kettle off with said molten lava dripping from it doesn't do much for your worktop and is very hot on your hands and feet when it refuses to go out by stamping on it.

Lesson learnt: Make sure electric kettle doesn't look anything like a gas kettle.
26 Dec 2009
Tottington Hall, near Bury, in the Duchy of Lancas
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An electric kettle on a gas burner pretty soon has molten burning plastic dripping from it like lava from a volcano.

My good lady did just that a couple of years ago, at home and without the others' excuse. She was quite oblivious of the thickening haze of smoke and very toxic gases being given off by thre burning plastic, that she was standing in and breathing....

Perhaps a check by a GP is warranted.



Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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Many reading this may think how couldthey be so stupid - i read it as a good reminder of Murphy Law if it can be done the wrong way sometime it will be!