Strange Navico depth display figure


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7 Aug 2001
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I have a Navico DS200 depth sounder and every so often, for no apparent reason, the display will change from showing the depth eg 25ft to displaying a '1:25' figure and sticks on this for quite a few seconds before changing back. Can anyone tell me what this means as it says nothing about this anomoly in the manual. It also makes tacking up the river Alde a bit unnerving to say the least!

Any answers appreciated

Is there any company that can give service on Navico equipment?

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New member
19 Jun 2001
Essex UK
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Navico are still around and will service gear for you. If you are going into Ramsgate - it about a 20 minute bus ride to their place - address attached, (but ring first), they have turned around bits for me within days in the past

Star Lane,
Kent CT9 4NP, UK

Tel: +44 (0)1843 290290
Fax: +44 (0)1843 290471

I also have a DS200. If the ":" is flashing - it means it has lost the signal for whatever reason (this will include swirling mud distrubed by a strong current)

I had problems with my unit when I first got the boat - the partial solution was to fit suppresors on the alternator.

Under sail only no problems unless the Auto pilot is on. the problem I have is ":" will start flashing and a very high depth reading will come up which will then slowly count down in (predictable) steps until it decides to give you the real figure. Just what you need as you are cutting accross the Rays sands on the ebb!.

As soon as you turn the autopilot off, things correct themselves

Good luck

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