Stopped Smoking !N/B


Well-known member
12 Sep 2001
Home - Southampton, Boat - Gosport
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I could have one with a beer


As an ex-smoker myself, and therefore allowed to be a (just a tiny bit - please?) selfrighteous on this, I've seen several folk stop smoking for months and even years until they get to the point when they think "Just one won't hurt me"

To a man (and woman), those that did have just one were back where they started in no time. What ever method you use, the only way to beat an addiction is to be more stubborn than the beast inside that wants the nicotine. It does get easier - honest! But it will try and sneak back in weak moments even when you think you've got it beat. That's when the stubbornness helps!
Good luck to all those who're fighting it!

A trick that might help: Work out what you spend in tobacco each month. When you've kept the weed at bay long enough to pay for it, treat yourself to a toy for the boat as a reward. Repeat as needed.

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23 Sep 2002
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I gave up 20-odd years ago having reached the dizzy heights of 60 per day. I had tried dozens of times previously and was so fed up with my lack of success that I promised myself I would have one last try. If unsuccessful, I would never try again. And I meant it. The enormity of what I was about to do gradually sank in. This was going to be my very last chance! So I went out to the pub, drank enough alcohol to kill a horse and smoked a packet of 20 in about 4 hours.

I got up next morning with a head like a drum, picked up a fork and began to hand-dig my quarter acre vegetable plot. I felt like death but keep digging, robot-like, for four hours without a break, stopping only occasionally to throw-up. It got to lunchtime, by which time I would normally have consumed my first packet and I was quite fascinated by the fact I hadn't had a fag. So I kept digging......until it got dark. I eventually went to bed, totally sh*gg*d out, physically and psychologically, head still throbbing. But this had been the first day that I hadn't had a ciggie for more than 20 years. I could scarcely believe it. Next day I was desperate but there was no way I was going to waste the agonies I had invested so far. Every day the investment got bigger as did my determination not to waste any of it. And I stuck with it despite hallucinations, acute short-term memory loss and withdrawal symptons that needed the Doctors attention. At one stage he even suggested it was a close call as to whether I would be better off smoking!

So I do feel sorry for smokers. I know how difficult stopping can be. The Ultimatum Method worked for me, but I wish them success with whatever approach they try.

<font color=blue> Next week Chapter 7 - How I intend to tackle this drink problem of mine</font color=blue>

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9 Jun 2003
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Week 6 starts Friday - cold turkey - dumped 100 fags in a fit of bravado, that helped. Not smoking pays the mooring & servicing on the Sunfury. Main reason was the young kids I saw with ciggys and thought "what pratts!!" then noticed the Sun / Star reader type of personallity that seemed to be all smoking ( no offence) Keep up the fight - I've been using 40pd for 40 years!

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31 Aug 2002
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Two friends of mine managed to give up after having hypnotherapy. Didn't work for me - I struggled to give up until January 1999 when one day I suddenly found the real desire to stop and I managed it over night. I'd visited a throat cancer specialist that day./forums/images/icons/shocked.gif. I still fancy a fag after a meal but know I'd be a prat to start again. Only smoked about 15 a day as well.

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30 May 2001
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I also read a the book by Alan Carr called Easy way to stop smoking. Not smoked for 10 weeks now and £300 plus saved, into the boating fund.

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21 Jan 2003
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3 yrs now used patches for 4 wks easy Week six HARD after that no problems from 40pd only problem now is weight I went from 10stone to nearly 14!!! back to about 11 now !!!

Good luck keep it up It IS worth it !!!


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6 Jul 2002
East coast
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I missed my zyban yesterday , Got up late due to lack of proper sleep and forgot to pick them up when i left the house.Had the best nights sleep in a week but paying for it this morning (craving).
Thanks for the good wishes. 9 days and counting.

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Go cold turkey .. more pain but for a shorter period .. I have my doubts as to the efficacy of some of the nicorettes etc .. knew someone who got addicted to nicotine chewing gum and had to restart smoking to wean himself off that! I've treatred myself to numerous things on the basis of giving up smoking. Latest calculation is 11 years at £7pd with compound interest of 5% is £36K ... wonder what I can do with that!

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