Still Confused and other geriatric mutterings

Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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Being serious, I’m a very safe sailor and do take things more seriously than the impression I’m giving of myself. I made the original post because being deaf I do tend to look for answers to questions or situations before they arise in order to mitigate chances of problems. Yes I do carry a HH VHF set - never had to use it. My flares are all in date. I do try to sail with crew although on this upcoming trip my crew is one of my sons who is also deaf.
So why did you make post #31 saying that you have out of date flares & indirectly giving the impression that you have used the RNLI in the past? & why did you say earlier that you did not have a VHF? & why are you carrying one without an MMSI- no VHF license perhaps?
Hmmm interesting.
I would suggest that deafness is not your problem. Something else more serious perhaps.


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12 Aug 2004
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VHF simplex allows comms in natural language, you just start and end with standard phraseology.
I don’t tend to punctuate my everyday conversation with ‘over’ when I get to the end of what I have to say. Nor do I often call someone and discuss which frequency we might use to carry on beyond the preliminary contact.

On the other hand, no-one under 40 picks up a voice call if they don’t recognise the number…😂


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6 Sep 2001
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However with a vhf your phone can listen for you and convert instantly to txt which you read and answer. For those that are deaf and dumb they can write txt which can be converted to audio all is possible.....well maybe not all...


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27 Jul 2010
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Not sure I’d rely on that at sea, it’s pretty ropey on land with a good connection.
I think those in the situation will have their workable solutions. We all too often see disability “fixes” which try to force people into normal outcomes rather than making accommodations that are suitable.
Not saying this is that, but let’s try not to let the thread go that way as OP seems comfortable they have it in hand.

Mister E

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16 Nov 2015
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Where have I written I don’t carry a VHF? I wrote I don’t have a VHF installed.

Anyway this thread was intended to elicit information to help me prepare for my upcoming trip. I’ve got the info I needed so am done.
Sir please ignore our more grumpy types.
You are getting information that may be of use to others who have the same issues or challenges.
Please carry on with this thread.


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6 Sep 2001
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Not sure I’d rely on that at sea, it’s pretty ropey on land with a good connection.
I think those in the situation will have their workable solutions. We all too often see disability “fixes” which try to force people into normal outcomes rather than making accommodations that are suitable.
Not saying this is that, but let’s try not to let the thread go that way as OP seems comfortable they have it in hand.
I'm not trying to "let the thread go in any direction "..I am simply suggesting a simple no cost assistance with items that most probably already exist on the boat.
I have no doubt whatsoever regarding wandering star ability.

What are these "fixes" that are 'forced' on people?


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27 Jul 2010
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Sorry I wasn't having a go at you, there are various posts in the thread including one from me.


Well-known member
26 Aug 2012
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There is a clearly difference between the way VHF sets are administered in France and in the UK.

In France even a handheld VHF has to be registered to an MMSI. Boats venturing further than 6 miles offshore are required to have a VHF.

Thus the idea of someone arriving from across the channel without an MMSI number would not occur to those who set up the system.