stern gland



I'm new to traditional stern gland. I've repacked and refitted it, and generally seems ok. However, it was getting warm, so I gave a couple of turns on the remote greaser( thinking hot = lack of lubrication), but I think it then became hotter still. I know its meant to be leaking something like 4 drops a minute, but not always easy to tell if this is actually happening. How tight shold the packing nut be? Just hand tight? Would too much grease create friction? Could anything else be happening?


When you put the packing in you should not overpack the gland. I think there was an article recently (last 2 years) in either pbo or sailing today on this subject. Tighten the gland slightly more than hand tight and pump the grease (WATERPROOF I use the Duckhams Keenol? ) until there is slight resistance. If it is running hot it is probably too tight and that is a major problem as the shaft will get very hot and the shaft will wear rapidly.If you want me to look up the article Email me back so I know you are really interested and I will look for it.


Welcome to the black art of stern glands! I agree it is easy to over pack thinking that the more you can stuff in the better. In fact you would be suprised at how lightly it can be packed and still not leak. Mine ran quite warm until the grease worked its way around and now with the nuts finger tight, it runs luke warm with a couple of drops at most per minute. Dick James


Thanks for responses. There was a good guide in PBO a couple of years ago which I have a copy of, but still didn't quite answer my query. I don't think I have overpacked with stuffing, but probably overdone the grease and the tightening nut, so will try loosening the latter, lay off the former and see what happens.


Slack of the nut, turn back till just stops with hand tunring lightly engine for hour or so ..... until drips are more frequent ... showing the packing has loosened of .....pump in grease, then add 1/4 turn with hand to 'pinch' packing up. Alternative .. Remove packing carefully, check shaft as it is possible to 'groove' a shaft and then its replace it time ......, if only slight marked / unmarked then make sure all packing is well greased and then repack. 3 rings, with 'joints' staggered are normally sufficient .... now fit nut and make hand tight only. Pump in more grease and then 1/4 turn more on nut. Pump in grease until small amount squeezes out where shaft exits gland. Try it again and you should find it only running luke warm....some actually run virtually cold ! As to drips per minute ..... as long as you have occasional drip, the number per minute is acedemic.


The heat is coming from friction between the packing medium and the shaft. Ensure that the shaft rotates freely in the gland. Over-greasing is impossible, either excess grease will be forced out or the greaser will become impossible to turn. However, make sure you are supplying grease, not a tube full of air or oxidised ex-grease. Disconnect the tube at the gland end and make sure that new, fresh grease emerges.