Cheap outboard servicing, lowcost hood wndow replacement service, free canopy straps (eventually), cheerful early morning phonecalls, trips on other folks boats (usually all posher than mine) insults from coliholic, ....could go on but better stop now...I can sense you working up to an odd insult or two!
It's like a soap. You know you should go and do something more useful, but you daren't in case you miss something! /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
Seriously, I came here first to learn, and I read the posts in all the forums not just this one, and I've learnt a hell of a lot from the serious posts, and still am learning....and had a bit of fun with the more jovial posts.
Oh, and it's nice meeting up with everyone too.
<hr width=100% size=1>Err, let me know if Depsol enters the forum, I'll go and hide
The high intellect of the other forum members, the mass of experience of knowledge, the wit, humour and friendship, the problems that people have make yours seem minor in comparison (i.e. there is always someone with bigger problems), the forgiving nature of members who never hold a grudge, the dedication of each member to help others where possible, the fantastic club burgee, and so much more. Oh! what site is this, sorry I'm on the wrong one, must go /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>
The ability of each site member to admonish where necesary to keep us all in the frame. To understand when some one has had a bad day or night, or who;s income is not the same. This site is extraudinary that it encompasses. all members. Whether you have a big boat or small and whatever there wealthy or not. The understanding here. That we all go over the top on occasiouns. Little bit more to drink or whatever. Trouble at home!! But amoung us selves we have built some thing to be very proud of, A place where many people of verrydifferent interests can meet with a comman goal. to go futher and reach the parts that no other could,
Should I retrain my self as conman for David Beckam or put my feet up now!!
<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue>No one can force me to come here.<font color=red> I'm a volunteer!!.<font color=blue>
It's about boats and people with boats. Considering my wife is convinced, and she's not wrong, that I'd rather look at a boats than a super model in a "G" string and I spend most of my holidays wandering around local marinas (she normaly refers to this as the behaviour of a terminaly sad B**tard) where else on the web would I go?
There you are I've admitted it. I now qualify for mental health care on the NHS. (Power cruiser division). See you all there.
ChrisP ;o)
<hr width=100% size=1>What do you mean the sea gull in front's walking !!!
Advice, rides on other peoples (better boats), different opinions from different perspectives. Humour.
I am amazed that everyone gets on so well given differnt backgrounds, incomes, countries.
If you're a saddo like me and have been interested in boats for most of your life, it's great to talk/read/learn about boats at any time you like.
I always thought that boat owners were a bit eliteist and I have been amazed at how down to earth and pleasant most are, especially those who frequent these parts and that I have met through this forum.
1. Alot of stinkies know an awful lot more about their craft than many raggies. Cos if engine goes they have no alternaitve means.
2. They aren't all gin swilling idiots, many of them drink rum too.
3. They are 99.9% knowledgeabe and friendly people and barring the odd act of wash i see no reason for the two to co-exist.
4. They are all good fun with a beer in their hand and good fun on the forum
i would certinly now be much happier engaging a stinkie in conversation than before
plus some of them know quite a bit about rags and sticks and are not all totally entwined with the dark side.
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=red>if guinness is good for you. i must be very very good</font color=red>