Jamesie ma wee mannie
Ye've tarried ower lang in they furrin pairts. Whit wid yer mammie think ef she ken't ye was stairtin sic disgracefu' topics on ra internet?
A this talk o' lethers an spankin - tak a hod o yersel mon.
Och it wis ma mammie that stertid the hale thing aff. Ah hear yer gang a bittie saft wi' a' this heating , ye'll be aff to the Med next ... onything tae extend the lederhosen season!
Spanker has been so for a long time, and has a particularly nautical derivation:
A fore-and-aft sail set upon the mizen-mast of a three-masted vessel, and the jigger-mast of a four-masted vessel. There is no spanker in a one- or two-masted vessel of any rig. A “spanker” used to be called a “driver.”
I suspect if Bavaria sponsored a mark it would be called Flog'er
Wonder if there is any connection between Spankers (as in the sail) & spanking (as in "brand spanking new")! Could it be that they were not used often and thus looked cleaner and therefor newer than the rest of the set?