I bought a solar panel trickle charger from Maplins, I plugged it into the ciggie socket on the boat, but realised I had to leave the battery key on to give power to the socket, I left it on, went back a week later to my fully charged boat BUT the battery was dead! Luckily I had my battery pack to boost it, and it is now re-charged.
What went wrong? I was wondering if the activation of the battery key may well start up some other electrical things like CO detector e.t.c. Perhaps these used more power than the tiny trickle being generated! Anyone else use one of these, and should it perhaps be linked direct to the battery to avoid the battery key business?
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>
What went wrong? I was wondering if the activation of the battery key may well start up some other electrical things like CO detector e.t.c. Perhaps these used more power than the tiny trickle being generated! Anyone else use one of these, and should it perhaps be linked direct to the battery to avoid the battery key business?
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>