Decided to get snuffer for my cruising chute. Any advice on this? Will cheep and cheerful do? What should I look out for before parting with my hard earned cash?
I too have a snuffer for use with my spinnaker. And invaluable it is too. Made by North sails.
Useful features that it has are:-
Mainly made of netting to avoid entrapment of air on "de-snuffing" spinnaker, and taking up less room at masthead.
Double layer so that haulup lanyard runs in between to reduce friction on sail.
Bell Mouth formed out of smooth hardish material so snuffing is easier.
I reckon it is worth paying extra for these types of features, as it reduces risk of foulups and is easier to use. Lets face it, if you need to get rid of the spinnaker/chute in a hurry the last thing you want is the snuffer getting jammed.
One of the mags, PBO I think did a comparison test a few years back and the one from Crusader came out well. I had one on our last boat and it worked fine, our current boat came with a mesh one (North?) which also works fine though I would guess cost a lot more. Might be worth calling PBO for a reprint of the article.