At last my turn help someone else. Many years ago, I used to work in a strange boat shop. In it we had a Malta which I borrowed. It ended up getting a lot of abuse but never let me down - get little o/b - come with my rec too.
Yes it is heavy, I had one for a year and traded it in for a Suzuki 2, its not just carrying it thats a problenm its lowering it into a tender that you need to watch for.
As for neutral I've used the Suzuki for 10 years without neutral and have had no problems whatsoever; at tickover the thrust is minimal and starting it never seems to cause me any difficulty as long as I'm pointing in the right direction. As for coming ashore I just point it at the beach give a quick burst of power and shut it down before getting into shallow water.
Look at a Mariner 3.3 - to me it is the best balance between weight, power and reliability. I bought a Mariner 4, but found it too heavy, so traded in immediately for the 3.3, which after 4 years has proved reliable and light enough to handle. It has a neutral gear position, which I agree is useful
I doubt you'll get a 2hp with neutral - but would suggest the Tohatsu 3.5 as a very good motor.
Tohatsu make all the smaller outboards for the big boys to rebadge and the 3.5 is exactly the same engine as their 2.5, with a larger choke carb, increased compression ratio, coarser prop and the dog-clutch in the drive.
It planes my inflatable at 1/3rd throttle with 1 up and at 1/2 throttle with 2.