Slab Reefing


New member
10 Apr 2005
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On my Corribee, all the relevant fittings are on the boom for slab reefing, but I have no idea how to rig it.

Can anyone help? /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif


New member
7 Apr 2005
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I also just bought a Corribee and i dont have any reefing gear at all- what gear do you have mounted on you boom then?


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14 Jul 2003
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I dont know the Coribee but I expect it is similar to most.

The reefing line will be tied off at the boom on a ring positioned slightly back from the reefing eye on the leech of the sail. Seperate rings for each eye usually. The line is threaded into the ring on the leech of the sail and through the end of the boom. Normally it threads down through the inside of the boom and exits at the point where the boom attaches to the mast. There may be a cleat of some type build into the boom at this point.
The luff of the sail will have a corresponding ring(ie in line with the leech ring). THe main halyard is released and the luff ring is placed on the hook (check its not twisted). The halyard is retightened. The reef line is thne tightened (usually via pulleys to a winch) and the reefed sail material is loosely tied up with reefing pennants (there is normally a row of small eyelets between the two reefing eye rings. Its very important not to overtighten these lines and to release then fully before releasing the reef. (not thats its ever happened to me............... /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif


New member
17 Dec 2004
Buckland Monachorum
I'm amazed nobody has answered so far!
Somebody will now probably come and give a link to a web site with full set up details on reefing...
Eesentially for each reef or slab you are going to pull down an ammount of sail, lowering the halyard, attaching the front of the sail near the goose neck to a hook, then pulling down the rear of the sail to the boom with a rope once these are secure you then re-tighten the halyard.
Sorry if you already knew these bits.
So what you need to rig is...
On the sail next to mast at first reef there may be an eyelet already, if you have a hook at the goose neck (there is often one each side)
It may be possible to attach this eyelet onto the hook (this is the most common technique) thats the front done. If you dont have a hook fitting on the goose neck, make up a large stainless hook on a line attached to the gooseneck, this can then be hooked into the eyelet.
At the rear, you'll need a rope that goes into the front of the boom at the gooseneck (usually underneath) with some means of getting this rope to a winch and then jamming it or cleating it when tight. The rope then passes through the boom emerging at the rear over a roller coming out on the top, this rope then goes up to the reefing eyelet on the rear edge of the sail, through and down to the boom (Ideally your sail will have a slit cut in it at the boom directly below this reefing eyelet, the rope (reef) is then passed under the boom back through this slit and tied to itself with a bowline. Whe you tighten this rope the load is taken by the boom.
For sails without slits there is usually a strong fitting in the slot on the under side of the boom, the rope is passed through this and a figure of eight knot tied.
Whe you reef be sure to release the kicker and main to allow the rear of the boom to rise when you tighten the reef.
That would have been much easier in pictures.
Back to work now...other solution is look at some other boats..


New member
1 Feb 2005
Based from the UK, try to get away on a boat for a
Hi Peter,

Suggest it's sensible to check out a book to get the detail of your best steps in a reefing process. No need to purchase - try your library.

IMHO think you'll find it better to use a reefing hitch to attach reefing line to boom than to secure with a bowline as previously advised. Even a bowline can be hard to get off when under any pressure.

Suggest you'll also wish to clarify best order to put in a reef - and take one out. i.e. Does one set the luff reef first, the mainhalyard second, the leach reef last.
Or reverse the last two steps?
