New member
Lets be no technical: sailing is pleasure! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
The feeling I have when behing offshore single handed is freedom.
To be free from social constrainsts,
free from the space,
and, last but not the least, free from the time. A great and rare feeling !
The best example I have found is in a book from JF Deniau "la terre est ronde". I don't have the English tittle. He was not a single hand sailor but an offshore sailor.
He had the genious idea to incorporate into a sailing book about offshore sailing a chapter from Soljenitsyne about the sunday inside the Goulag. The doors were closed and nothing could come from outside before monday.
For me, offshore single handed is that feeling but without the inside of the building (crew...). /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Others feelings ?
Lets be no technical: sailing is pleasure! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
The feeling I have when behing offshore single handed is freedom.
To be free from social constrainsts,
free from the space,
and, last but not the least, free from the time. A great and rare feeling !
The best example I have found is in a book from JF Deniau "la terre est ronde". I don't have the English tittle. He was not a single hand sailor but an offshore sailor.
He had the genious idea to incorporate into a sailing book about offshore sailing a chapter from Soljenitsyne about the sunday inside the Goulag. The doors were closed and nothing could come from outside before monday.
For me, offshore single handed is that feeling but without the inside of the building (crew...). /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Others feelings ?