Signing an on line british passport renewal


Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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Can anyone help me. I have to apply on line from Sweden to renew my passport on line. At some point it seems that I must sign the application. I have no idea how to do this. Do I need a special pen. I am a total dummy so can someone walk me through the procedure. Thank you very much. I have tried googling for a procedure no luck. I assume I get sent a form on line to be signed. If I use my finger to sign it will be too big and thick. Help. I am nervous to try without guidance. Thanks.


Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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Check this thread out. I'm sure all your worries will be alleviated
Thanks, read the whole thread and no information about signing the application so maybe it is in my imagination and nobody needs to sign anything.
If I remember correctly they get your signature from your stored driving licence. You certainly don't sign any screen.
My driving licence is Swedish, the only stored signature from me in the UK is my old passport. Your comment that I may not have to sign anything on a sreen is encouraging. Perhaps I should bite the bullet and just apply and see how far I get. I think it may be prudent to get the paper application forms just in case I get my pants in a twist. For people like me the internet can be a bit intimidating.


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22 Oct 2005
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If you start to do the application online, it will tell you if you need to sign anything as you go along.
OK Thanks. Does this mean I can continue to make the application if I am asked a question or procedure or to sign something i did not expect and did not have to hand. In other words I have time to collect any extra stuff by breaking off to get my ducks in a row without penalty or to re-start from the biginning. I hope so. After this summer my self-confidence is at an all time low. It is not really serious but I need to take care.
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5 Sep 2004
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I don't know, but it would be unusual if you couldn't save progress and continue. . After all, if your computer suddenly shut down for some reason, you wouldn't expect to be penalised.
It is possible that something about your application may prompt the system to ask you to send something in, though.
If you're anxious about doing stuff online, why not have someone sit with you as a sort of double check.
And have a good read of the information on here Renew or replace your adult passport before you start.
It says that all you need is a digital photo, a credit/debit card and your passport.


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25 Aug 2003
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I renewed online last year; if you wander off to answer the doorbell etc. the application times out and you go back to the beginning. You do not get charged for this or penalised in any way. I don't remember signing anything, so no sausage fingers required. I did need to get a scanned passport picture(in which I look like I've been held hostage for several months due to difficulties getting a hair cut at that time) verified, which needed the email address of a suitable person who isn't related, but even that wasn't much of a hurdle.


Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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I renewed online last year; if you wander off to answer the doorbell etc. the application times out and you go back to the beginning. You do not get charged for this or penalised in any way. I don't remember signing anything, so no sausage fingers required. I did need to get a scanned passport picture(in which I look like I've been held hostage for several months due to difficulties getting a hair cut at that time) verified, which needed the email address of a suitable person who isn't related, but even that wasn't much of a hurdle.
Thanks for that. It was the signing that was making a mountain out of a mole hill. I realise that people groan when offered an explanation about how other countries handle on line identity but my experience in Sweden is a factor. Here, everything has to be signed for on line,, even for a bus ticket. The system is called BankID and uses a password code. I have to use it on a day by day basis. Cashless society. Physical signing is done, when necessary inside a tiny box on the form. Letting any part of the signature stray outside the box invalidates it.

My nervouse anticipation was because I had no idea what system was used in the UK. The thought that I could get a new passport without signing did not even occur to me. Good old UK relying on trust and honesty. Thanks for reminding me.
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Well-known member
30 Jul 2018
Hamble, UK
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I've just renewed my passport and it needed signing only when it arrived, the previous one had a signature printed in it so I think you'll be good to apply and sign later.


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16 Sep 2020
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If you have any drawing program, like Paint, or GIMP, Photoshop whatever, you can use your mouse and a few attempts to create your signature..
Save it as a BMP or GIF or JPG file.. Then while editing your application, insert that signature as an image into your document..


Well-known member
30 Jul 2018
Hamble, UK
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If you have any drawing program, like Paint, or GIMP, Photoshop whatever, you can use your mouse and a few attempts to create your signature..
Save it as a BMP or GIF or JPG file.. Then while editing your application, insert that signature as an image into your document..

Wouldn't it be easier just to sign a blank piece of paper and take a photograph of it? Assuming almost everyone has a phone with inbuilt camera or a digital camera these days.


Active member
16 Sep 2020
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Wouldn't it be easier just to sign a blank piece of paper and take a photograph of it? Assuming almost everyone has a phone with inbuilt camera or a digital camera these days.
Sure that's always possible.. Btw, you may wish to save it as GIF with transparency enabled -- select background as transparent..
that way you can include it to your document without a white box around it..