hi please can you tell me where i can purchase online, covers to protect sails from the wire rigging,also for the guardrails around the boat??thank you in advance..graham
I use plain old PVC 1" water pipe which can be had in white. Eventual markings come off quite easily with acetone (this the PRACTICAL boat owner forum, remember ?)
you should be able to get this stuff from any chandlers. It is a PVC tube that is either in 2 semicirle parts that clip together or a single tube that has a split in it. Both are easy to fit with the mast up.
I have used it for a number of years and occasionally I have to replace a section when it become too brittle.
If memory serves me it costs a couple of quid for a 1.5m section.
Please be carefull!! I fitted the split type to my boat a few years ago and when somone attempted to get aboard from a tender using the shrouds as a handhold, the split opened up causing the protector to slide down. The person fell onto the top of a stantion and was badly hurt.