Should yacht chandlers re-open?


Well-known member
29 Dec 2010
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I'm not sure that's made it clearer. Lymington F4 is shut...but another branch was open? Was it the Shamrock Quay one?

Seven Spades

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30 Aug 2003
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Forders 4 in Lymington did not have what I wanted tomImmade a trip tot he one by town Quay only to find it was closed and a,notice saying that they were doing mail order only. There really was no need for them to be closed.


Well-known member
29 Dec 2010
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Okay, thanks.

If anyone knows whether F4 at Shamrock Quay is open these days, I'd like to know.

Or I could get myself one of these new-fangled telephone things that people speak of.


Well-known member
10 Jul 2003
River Hamble
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That was more than a month ago...are they still open? I don't know why they shouldn't be, but I don't want a wasted journey.
Yes. Now back up to 7 days though slightly shorter hours I think. Bought a new windlass and chain there this week so my card has been flexed!
Just call and check if travelling they are a friendly lot.


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16 May 2007
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Forders 4 in Lymington did not have what I wanted tomImmade a trip tot he one by town Quay only to find it was closed and a,notice saying that they were doing mail order only. There really was no need for them to be closed.
How do you know there was no need?
Maybe one of their staff has symptoms?

Spirit (of Glenans)

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28 Mar 2017
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When the world finally understands that we're no more likely to catch a cold walking into a shop than we ever have over the past 500 years, sanity and normality will return to the human race. The fact that the same people have been working in supermarkets for weeks without catching anything while all the customers are nervously disinfecting the handles of trolleys and baskets before going in there for 20 minutes ought to have been noticed by now.

In the meantime I just chortle watching people riding bikes and struggling to breath through a mask, like there are germs circulating like pollen all over the road. Social media and indeed mainstream media and politicians have a lot to answer for. Then again maybe most of the population is simply thick.

When the infection and death rate falls to zero in about a fortnight and everyone is still refusing to go to work because the sun's out, the game will be up.
The mask is not to protect the wearer but to protect those in his proximity. People emit a plume of aerosols when they breathe. If they are infected, those breathing in those aerosols are in danger of becoming infected. The more a person exerts themselves the more aerosols are emitted i.e. talking, singing, shouting, walking, running, cycling. So, if that cyclist you were laughing at was Covid 19 positive, aren't you glad he was wearing a mask?
I can't understand why at this point in time, the vast majority of the population of this Anglo Celtic Archipeligo doesn't seem to be aware of these basic facts.
(I use the pronoun "he/his" in my rant, but other genders are available).


Well-known member
23 Jul 2008
East coast UK. Mostly. Sometimes the Philippines
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I think that I call in to a chandlery when:
a) I want advice in relation to a purchase or
b) I’m buying clothes such as oilskins or boots and want to check the fit
c) I’m idly browsing

It seems to me that many of us will have been doing more buying on line. Jimmy Green and indeed Seamark Nunn and no doubt others seem to be offering a pretty good version of (a), and as regards (b) so far as sailing togs and hoofs go I know my sizes in the brands I like.


Well-known member
29 Dec 2010
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I'd have ordered online rather than asking here whether they're open, but they wanted almost as much for delivery as I was planning to spend on the product.

I was only wondering if they're open at Shamrock. Didn't mean to reopen the Covid discourse so I'll sign-out if it hots-up again.


Well-known member
10 Jul 2003
River Hamble
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I think that I call in to a chandlery when:
a) I want advice in relation to a purchase or
b) I’m buying clothes such as oilskins or boots and want to check the fit
c) I’m idly browsing

It seems to me that many of us will have been doing more buying on line. Jimmy Green and indeed Seamark Nunn and no doubt others seem to be offering a pretty good version of (a), and as regards (b) so far as sailing togs and hoofs go I know my sizes in the brands I like.
I went into force 4 last week as I needed a new windlass. Old one needed £850 plus vat of parts to repair.
I knew the jimmy green and other on line prices.
In force 4 I walked out with it, I got advice from people that knew what they were talking about and if there is a problem it’s easy to sort.
For that I’ll pay a premium but actually it was significantly cheaper than online anyway.
And next time I go there I may buy 80p of screws.
Support your local chandlery!
Penny pinching online is short sighted.


Well-known member
10 Jul 2003
River Hamble
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I'd have ordered online rather than asking here whether they're open, but they wanted almost as much for delivery as I was planning to spend on the product.

I was only wondering if they're open at Shamrock. Didn't mean to reopen the Covid discourse so I'll sign-out if it hots-up again.
Yes they are. Please go and use them!


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24 May 2019
Yorkshire coast
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Force 4 etc are only operating Mail order but I am sure these would fall into the same category as Homebase and B&Q .

most small independent shops like bakers and chemists have managed to limit the numbers inside with a queuing system. This would seem to be a good way to start re-opening.
Coates in Whitby is open