Second boat sunk by Orcas


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12 Oct 2021
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I will if there is a large explosive attached to the tag. Tagging joins the very long list of pointless ideas that help nobody to be any safer. You might as well suggest calling them all Kevin.
You can not identify the ones concerned, so how do you know the ones to kill Kevin?
Cull the complete pod. You might get Tracy & Sharon as well, but you would make sure that you got Kevin,. Surely that would sort the problem. ?
Can we please not go down this route? I'm getting a bit worried :oops:


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9 Nov 2022
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I read around on this story last night and apparently orcas and other cetaceans have social trends that arise in a group, spread quickly then fade away like human trends. A trained dolphin was once released in Queensland and it started a trend for tail-walking in the wild population that lasted a decade. And in Alaska (Google this if, quite reasonably, you don't believe me) a female orca started a trend by wearing a dead salmon on her head as a hat; the salmon hat trend spread through several pods before fading away.
So the boat attacks may well be a current fashion in orca social behaviour. If so they seem likely to fade off in due course as the beasts get into some other hobby.


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26 Jan 2004
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I read around on this story last night and apparently orcas and other cetaceans have social trends that arise in a group, spread quickly then fade away like human trends. A trained dolphin was once released in Queensland and it started a trend for tail-walking in the wild population that lasted a decade. And in Alaska (Google this if, quite reasonably, you don't believe me) a female orca started a trend by wearing a dead salmon on her head as a hat; the salmon hat trend spread through several pods before fading away.
So the boat attacks may well be a current fashion in orca social behaviour. If so they seem likely to fade off in due course as the beasts get into some other hobby.
Probably like sunking boats rather then just taken lumps out of there rudders .
Or maybe even trying to roll them over .


Well-known member
29 Sep 2004
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Terrifying moment pod of seven orcas SINK a sailing yacht
I've now read quite a few articles from different sources and it's clear to see no two reports are alike. Some claim the orcas ate a hole in the hull, others say one swam off with the rudder in its mouth after ripping it out the hull.

Orca are seen as a threatened species. Orcas are protected under (international ?) , EU, Spanish and Portuguese law. It is illegal to undertake any action which may harm or disturb these marine mammals.

Best start using retractable rudders ?

Maybe I am just being simple but, if the orcas went for the rudder, and presumably tore it away to leave a hole in the vicinity of the rudder post, why is the boat sinking by the bow? Significant engine weight aft and, having been on a sinking boat once before that went stern first I find it a little odd (albeit probably also more bouyancy aft).