I have found a seagull 40 plus outboard for sale in my local ad paper. I'm looking for an outboard for my Wayfarer as my wife and I have started to use the boat for cruising. I am not sure if this outboard would be suitable as I've heard mixed opinions, i.e. it's noisy and smokey but very reliable. How noisy and smokey are these engines? Should I hold out for something a bit more modern such as a Yamaha or Suzuki 2hp? The outboard will be perminently mounted onto an outboard bracket and lowered when required. Any help or advice from current or previous seagull owners would be greatly appreciated.
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I have found a seagull 40 plus outboard for sale in my local ad paper. I'm looking for an outboard for my Wayfarer as my wife and I have started to use the boat for cruising. I am not sure if this outboard would be suitable as I've heard mixed opinions, i.e. it's noisy and smokey but very reliable. How noisy and smokey are these engines? Should I hold out for something a bit more modern such as a Yamaha or Suzuki 2hp? The outboard will be perminently mounted onto an outboard bracket and lowered when required. Any help or advice from current or previous seagull owners would be greatly appreciated.
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