Not seen it myself but if its cheap and cheerful forgo a couple of pints and buy it. Then put it away for your Grandchildren's children who will one day have a fascinating look into the past.
I missed this when it was on TV, so I guess I can't really comment. But I remember when it was on some peeps commented that its seemed a bit anti pleasure boats and generaly disappointing from a boaters perspective.
Can you buy it and do a review for us /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
I had a copy, not sure where it is otherwise you could have had it!
I thought it was good, the guy a former news reader presented well (although it was set up) and basically did as the title suggests. Great to see lots of snippets that you recognize and there are a couple of bits I learnt.
All in all a good Sunday afternoon DVD, not a blockbuster but if you enjoy the Thames you will enjoy this.
I also enjoyed the three men in a boat 1 hour job with Giff Ryece Jones (or however you spell it!) not sure if its out but highly amusing particularly when they ate the crayfish freshly fished form Cookham (I think)
Oh and I may be wrong but I think the British Marine Fed / National Boat Shows had a few copies, try them on 01784 223600 they had a few of these left over from a promotion at LBS
I thought the three men in a boat programme was pretty good. The best bit for me was when they tried to get an angler to wave to them. He just kept his head down and ignored them a bit like a naughty child not wanting to catch the eye of their parents.
It reminded me when we first started boating on the Thames. My wife used to wave brightly at everybody in sight and could never understand why the anglers just would not acknowledge her.