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Scuttlebutt meet 2004 - Fair Do\'s
Those of us in more northern waters will soon be sick as Longjohnsilver's parrot at hearing about the exploits of our southern chums.
I therefore propose a meet of the Northern Chapter in Ardrishaig on a friday night in say August, where we can all get pissed in the Boat (a pub).
On saturday, whatever the forecast, we set off through the canal all the way to Crinan Basin where there will be a lock-in (especially if the usual water shortages occur), and we can all get smashed in the Crinan Hotel.
I reckon, with a bit of hot-bunking and the use of several hammocks, we can fit at least 27 people on each boat (subject to water levels in the canal). Those without berths can cycle along the tow-path.
At this stage, the only requirement is one grandparent born north of 53 45'.00N, and a plentiful supply of midge repellent.
We return through the canal on the sunday (though participants are advised to book several weeks off work in case British Waterways shuts the canal part-way through).
The whole thing will be featured in a 12-page colour pull-out (with sub-titles) in Octobers YM (if the photos are back from Boots)
Right! Who's in?
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Those of us in more northern waters will soon be sick as Longjohnsilver's parrot at hearing about the exploits of our southern chums.
I therefore propose a meet of the Northern Chapter in Ardrishaig on a friday night in say August, where we can all get pissed in the Boat (a pub).
On saturday, whatever the forecast, we set off through the canal all the way to Crinan Basin where there will be a lock-in (especially if the usual water shortages occur), and we can all get smashed in the Crinan Hotel.
I reckon, with a bit of hot-bunking and the use of several hammocks, we can fit at least 27 people on each boat (subject to water levels in the canal). Those without berths can cycle along the tow-path.
At this stage, the only requirement is one grandparent born north of 53 45'.00N, and a plentiful supply of midge repellent.
We return through the canal on the sunday (though participants are advised to book several weeks off work in case British Waterways shuts the canal part-way through).
The whole thing will be featured in a 12-page colour pull-out (with sub-titles) in Octobers YM (if the photos are back from Boots)
Right! Who's in?
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