Active member
...a place where free debate is welcomed, but to be effective it has to stick within a few not unreasonable guidelines.
These include the need to avoid offensive abuse of members. What comprises offensive abuse is a subjective call, but anything that borders on sexual or racial abuse or that attacks other forum users in an unreasonably aggressive way are good examples.
Please remember that the printed (or in this case) viewed word always appears stronger than the same phrase spoken face-to-face. We don’t have the benefit of your facial inflections. Therefore please take care with the humour. forums will always have anonymous viewers; it is not in our interests to make an exclusive club out of any of our current internet sites. What the anon thread, now sin-binned, has just proven, is that trying to tease people out of the closet is likely to leave you with even more anonymous viewers in future.
If registered users see the sense in having one area of the forums where only registered users can view and post, then I can arrange that if it makes sense to us as well.
Despite its occasional hiccups, Scuttlebutt is a great forum and I intend to ensure it remains so. I probably hate the onward march of political correctness as much as anyone, but there is a balance to be drawn for the sake of everyones’ sanity. If that means sacrificing the odd one or two for the good of the majority then I am short and I can be nasty /forums/images/icons/smile.gif<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by kimhollamby on 01/10/2002 14:35 (server time).</FONT></P>
These include the need to avoid offensive abuse of members. What comprises offensive abuse is a subjective call, but anything that borders on sexual or racial abuse or that attacks other forum users in an unreasonably aggressive way are good examples.
Please remember that the printed (or in this case) viewed word always appears stronger than the same phrase spoken face-to-face. We don’t have the benefit of your facial inflections. Therefore please take care with the humour. forums will always have anonymous viewers; it is not in our interests to make an exclusive club out of any of our current internet sites. What the anon thread, now sin-binned, has just proven, is that trying to tease people out of the closet is likely to leave you with even more anonymous viewers in future.
If registered users see the sense in having one area of the forums where only registered users can view and post, then I can arrange that if it makes sense to us as well.
Despite its occasional hiccups, Scuttlebutt is a great forum and I intend to ensure it remains so. I probably hate the onward march of political correctness as much as anyone, but there is a balance to be drawn for the sake of everyones’ sanity. If that means sacrificing the odd one or two for the good of the majority then I am short and I can be nasty /forums/images/icons/smile.gif<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by kimhollamby on 01/10/2002 14:35 (server time).</FONT></P>